Quickbase's winning formula for data-driven product marketing with Sarah Din

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This is a podcast episode titled, Quickbase's winning formula for data-driven product marketing with Sarah Din. The summary for this episode is: <p>In this episode of <strong>Product Marketing Maestros:</strong> <strong>Tales From the Front Lines</strong>, host Nitin Kartik, Director of Product Marketing at Carbyne, is joined by Sarah Din, VP of Product Marketing at Quickbase.</p><p>They discuss how Sarah and her team at Quickbase use a winning formula to position the company in a market that requires a more targeted, data-driven approach. </p><p><br></p><p><br></p>


In this episode of Product Marketing Maestros: Tales From the Front Lines, host Nitin Kartik, Director of Product Marketing at Carbyne, is joined by Sarah Din, VP of Product Marketing at Quickbase.

They discuss how Sarah and her team at Quickbase use a winning formula to position the company in a market that requires a more targeted, data-driven approach.

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Sarah Din

|VP of Product Marketing at Quickbase