The power of asking ‘why?’: A case study for market research with Andrea Saez

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This is a podcast episode titled, The power of asking ‘why?’: A case study for market research with Andrea Saez. The summary for this episode is: <p>In this episode of Product Marketing Maestros, guest Andrea Saez, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Unmind, shares a story highlighting the significance of market research in product development. She discusses her experience at a startup where the team decided to build a Zendesk integration without fully understanding the market need.</p>


In this episode of Product Marketing Maestros, guest Andrea Saez, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Unmind, shares a story highlighting the significance of market research in product development. She discusses her experience at a startup where the team decided to build a Zendesk integration without fully understanding the market need.

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Andrea Saez

|Senior Product Marketing Manager at Unmind