Meet the Masters | Go-to-Market with Yoni Solomon

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This is a podcast episode titled, Meet the Masters | Go-to-Market with Yoni Solomon. The summary for this episode is: <p>In this episode of Meet the Masters, host Charley Gale speaks to Yoni Solomon, VP of Product Marketing at Gympass. </p><p>They discuss Yoni's biggest successes and challenges with go-to-market, the difference between GTM and a product launch, how to go about renaming an existing product, along with what you can learn from the Go-to-Market Certified: Masters course we have at Product Marketing Alliance - a course that Yoni himself built from his experience and expertise in the field. </p><p>Essential resources:</p><p><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=";_gl=1*rimbr5*_ga*ODg2NDA5NzAzLjE2NjM2NjM0MTc.*_ga_KVYRMDNSEY*MTY2NDI5MzYzNC4zMS4wLjE2NjQyOTM2MzQuNjAuMC4w">Get Go-to-Market Certified</a></p><p><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href="">Become a Pro member</a></p>


In this episode of Meet the Masters, host Charley Gale speaks to Yoni Solomon, VP of Product Marketing at Gympass.

They discuss Yoni's biggest successes and challenges with go-to-market, the difference between GTM and a product launch, how to go about renaming an existing product, along with what you can learn from the Go-to-Market Certified: Masters course we have at Product Marketing Alliance - a course that Yoni himself built from his experience and expertise in the field.

Essential resources:

Get Go-to-Market Certified

Become a Pro member