Annie Eissler | Customer journey mapping and the importance of customer experience | Customer Marketing Catch-up

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This is a podcast episode titled, Annie Eissler | Customer journey mapping and the importance of customer experience | Customer Marketing Catch-up. The summary for this episode is: <p><strong>Key talking points: </strong></p><ul><li>The importance of upsells for retention and growth,</li><li>Mapping and managing the variety of customer experiences, </li><li>Aligning all company teams with the big picture using journey mapping,</li><li>How mapping helps to scale a customer marketing team. </li></ul>


Key talking points:

  • The importance of upsells for retention and growth,
  • Mapping and managing the variety of customer experiences,
  • Aligning all company teams with the big picture using journey mapping,
  • How mapping helps to scale a customer marketing team.