The year to get open source right

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This is a podcast episode titled, The year to get open source right. The summary for this episode is: <p>The year to get open source right. A CIO's new year's resolutions—finding the mix of open source and proprietary tech, getting the right infrastructure in place, and making sure people have the skills to use it all. In this episode, host Ann Funai, CIO and VP of Business Platforms Transformation at IBM, speaks with Marco Bill-Peter, SVP of Core Business Platforms at Red Hat.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><em>The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of IBM or any other organization or entity.</em>&nbsp;</p>


The year to get open source right. A CIO's new year's resolutions—finding the mix of open source and proprietary tech, getting the right infrastructure in place, and making sure people have the skills to use it all. In this episode, host Ann Funai, CIO and VP of Business Platforms Transformation at IBM, speaks with Marco Bill-Peter, SVP of Core Business Platforms at Red Hat. 

The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of IBM or any other organization or entity. 

Today's Host

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Ann Funai

|CIO & VP of Business Platform Transformation, IBM

Today's Guests

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Marco Bill-Peter

|SVP, Enterprise Transformation, Red Hat