Modernize with Automation with Dr. Maja Vukovic

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This is a podcast episode titled, Modernize with Automation with Dr. Maja Vukovic. The summary for this episode is: <p>Discover how AI-powered automation can guide an enterprise to Modernize their applications and data .  Jerry is joined by Dr. Maja Vukovic, an IBM Fellow who leads AI for Application Modernization at IBM.  Maja and her team at IBM Research are world renown for the work that they have done in the area of “modernization to cloud” including building advanced AI-powered automation tools, like Mono2Micro.<br/><br/>According to a <a href=''>report published by the Cloud Security Alliance</a>, the average enterprise has 464 custom applications deployed today.  Even the smallest size organizations, those with 1 to 1000 employees had an average of 22 custom applications.  Largest orgs have 1000s of applications. 1000s!<br/><br/>Think about all the many technology advancements that have taken place since and the new security risks that we weren’t aware of when our apps were originally design. But perhaps more profound, think about how much business has changed during this period of time…  Are your applications reflecting the changing times?  Listen in to this episode to learn more!<br/><br/>Referenced links:<br/><a href=';p1=Search&amp;p4=43700064414381754&amp;p5=e&amp;gclid=Cj0KCQjw6pOTBhCTARIsAHF23fIJcIz_zQQHT9Uo8BhUzRGcRAJlGsKQ2X071-LbmfhxVBImfzVTWZsaAiO8EALw_wcB&amp;gclsrc=aw.ds'>IBM Mono2Micro</a><br/><a href=';p1=Search&amp;p4=43700066755347253&amp;p5=p&amp;gclid=Cj0KCQjw6pOTBhCTARIsAHF23fLgO4Aa7IFEkHb5AVqZ3vytB9W6y8SVBJ65BNFwHd3BYcp8Aoxn7J0aAjeLEALw_wcB&amp;gclsrc=aw.ds'>Scientific Advantage with IBM Research &amp; Consulting</a><br/><a href=''>Konveyor Project</a></p><p><a href=''>ART OF AUTOMATION BOOK - DONATE HERE!</a><br/><br/></p>


Discover how AI-powered automation can guide an enterprise to Modernize their applications and data .  Jerry is joined by Dr. Maja Vukovic, an IBM Fellow who leads AI for Application Modernization at IBM.  Maja and her team at IBM Research are world renown for the work that they have done in the area of “modernization to cloud” including building advanced AI-powered automation tools, like Mono2Micro.

According to a report published by the Cloud Security Alliance, the average enterprise has 464 custom applications deployed today.  Even the smallest size organizations, those with 1 to 1000 employees had an average of 22 custom applications.  Largest orgs have 1000s of applications. 1000s!

Think about all the many technology advancements that have taken place since and the new security risks that we weren’t aware of when our apps were originally design. But perhaps more profound, think about how much business has changed during this period of time…  Are your applications reflecting the changing times?  Listen in to this episode to learn more!

Referenced links:
IBM Mono2Micro
Scientific Advantage with IBM Research & Consulting
Konveyor Project


Today's Host

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Jerry Cuomo

|IBM Fellow, VP Technology -

Today's Guests

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Maja Vuković

|IBM Fellow