AI versus Internet - Part One

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This is a podcast episode titled, AI versus Internet - Part One. The summary for this episode is: <p>Welcome to the Wild Ducks podcast! Join host <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Jerry Cuomo</a> as he explores trending technology topics with a personal and behind-the-scenes touch. In this premiere episode, Jerry chats with <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Irving Wladawsky-Berger</a>, a legend at IBM and a research affiliate at MIT Sloan. They discuss the evolution of the internet and AI, comparing their impacts on technology and society. Irving shares insights from his career, including spearheading IBM's transition to the internet and open systems. Don't miss this engaging conversation with a true innovator. Tune in for part one of "Internet vs. AI" and learn more about the future of technology.</p>
AI vs. The Internet: Navigating the Fears and Challenges
01:54 MIN


Welcome to the Wild Ducks podcast! Join host Jerry Cuomo as he explores trending technology topics with a personal and behind-the-scenes touch. In this premiere episode, Jerry chats with Irving Wladawsky-Berger, a legend at IBM and a research affiliate at MIT Sloan. They discuss the evolution of the internet and AI, comparing their impacts on technology and society. Irving shares insights from his career, including spearheading IBM's transition to the internet and open systems. Don't miss this engaging conversation with a true innovator. Tune in for part one of "Internet vs. AI" and learn more about the future of technology.

Today's Host

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Jerry Cuomo

|IBM Fellow | Teacher -

Today's Guests

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Irving Wladawsky-Berger

|Research Affiliate - MIT