Building the skills for AI and beyond, with Gina Jeneroux

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This is a podcast episode titled, Building the skills for AI and beyond, with Gina Jeneroux. The summary for this episode is: <p>Gina Jeneroux is a future of work and skills strategist who has helped major organizations adopt outcome-focused learning strategies, and build skills. Continuing on the series looking at AI and business, Gina discusses how emerging technologies are driving the need for more technical, human, and cognitive skills. She explains how corporate education can be seen as a value-add rather than a cost center.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Your host:</strong> Daryl Pereira, IBM Senior Content Strategist</p><p><br></p><p>Key topics:</p><ul><li>A skills focus can increase opportunities, productivity, innovation, and diversity</li><li>Individuals should spend 70-80% of time developing current skills, and 20-30% on future skills</li><li>Learning leaders should quantify learning's business value through metrics like engagement and performance</li></ul><p><br></p><p><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>Connect with Gina Jeneroux on LinkedIn</strong></a></p>
Gina has over 30 years experience in corporate learning
00:10 MIN
Skills are important for linking people, strategies, and business needs
00:06 MIN
Emerging technologies like AI drive needs for new technical, human, and cognitive skills
00:25 MIN
Learning leaders should quantify learning's business value
00:12 MIN
Individuals should spend 70-80% of time developing current skills, and 20-30% on future skills
00:07 MIN
Broadening interests sparks innovation by providing fresh perspectives
00:22 MIN


Gina Jeneroux is a future of work and skills strategist who has helped major organizations adopt outcome-focused learning strategies, and build skills. Continuing on the series looking at AI and business, Gina discusses how emerging technologies are driving the need for more technical, human, and cognitive skills. She explains how corporate education can be seen as a value-add rather than a cost center.

Your host: Daryl Pereira, IBM Senior Content Strategist

Key topics:

  • A skills focus can increase opportunities, productivity, innovation, and diversity
  • Individuals should spend 70-80% of time developing current skills, and 20-30% on future skills
  • Learning leaders should quantify learning's business value through metrics like engagement and performance

Connect with Gina Jeneroux on LinkedIn

Today's Host

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Cristina McComic

|Content Designer, IBM
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Sam Smitte

|Data and AI Leader, IBM
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Amanda Downie

|Editorial Content Strategist, IBM
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Daryl Pereira

|Senior Content Strategist, IBM

Today's Guests

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Gina Jeneroux

|Future of Work & Skills Strategist