[Customer Account Executive] Using Gong Assist to Maintain Momentum on Deals

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This is a podcast episode titled, [Customer Account Executive] Using Gong Assist to Maintain Momentum on Deals. The summary for this episode is: <p>Watch how Customer Account Executives at Gong use Gong Assist to stay on top of active deals, maintain clean CRM hygiene and surface areas within their open deals that drive to take action to drive momentum.</p>
The superpower Gong enables to customer account executives is the ability to effectively manage deals across their entire pipe to maintain velocity on active deals.
00:35 MIN
The biggest challenge Gong Assist solves for account executives is enables them the ability to visualize if the are spending time in the right areas.
00:47 MIN
This workflow shares how to use Gong Assist to stay organized and on top of active deal's next steps.
01:42 MIN
Gong Assist allows for Customer Account Executives to also maintain data hygiene but updating CRM fields directly through Assist
00:43 MIN
Lastly Gong Assist helps customer account executives identify gaps within their active deals to allow for reps to take proper action for follow up.
01:44 MIN


Watch how Customer Account Executives at Gong use Gong Assist to stay on top of active deals, maintain clean CRM hygiene and surface areas within their open deals that drive to take action to drive momentum.