Why Aren't You Amplifying Your Webinars? | Hot Take with Katie Nehrenz

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This is a podcast episode titled, Why Aren't You Amplifying Your Webinars? | Hot Take with Katie Nehrenz. The summary for this episode is:

Katie: All right, you got me midweek, freshly showered with my coffee that has a straw on it. Don't judge. And I'm fired up. I'm thinking about why more businesses are not amplifying their webinars. These are things I think about first thing in the morning. I digress. Webinars are amazing. You bring all these great experts together, whether it's internal experts, customers, industry experts, or a combination, and you get them in a live format where you guys can talk amongst yourselves, people can ask questions, valuable questions are getting answered. That's a really information-rich conversation. And most of the time, you take the webinar, it goes on-demand, you put it behind a gate. You have some people that'll fill out the form fill. Many people will probably look at it and say, "Well, I didn't really want to look at it anyway." And then you have a portion of the people who will do the form fill, but they'll never get to watch it because they're, on average, an hour long. And a lot of people don't have that kind of time to listen to content. So, what if we take that, and what if we chop that up into little bits and amplify it? What if you use little clips of your webinar, those valuable insights, those valuable quotes, to fuel your social channels? What if you included them in your newsletters? What if you embed those clips throughout your website? What if you turn some of them into FAQs? There's a lot you can do with the little splices from those webinars. But beyond that, using something like Casted allows you to create key takeaways for long form content. So, someone like me who might look at an hour long piece of content and say, "I don't have the time to listen to that", I can go in and I can listen to key takeaways that I know are going to resonate with me or that I'm really excited about listening to. That's what we do at Casted. We have webinars over all sorts of topics. They might be product based, they might be industry based, they might be trend based. But regardless, we have those conversations, we record them, we put them into Casted, and then we splice them out and we amplify them. There's some great examples out there of awesome brands that are doing this today. For example, Zylo, Gong, Trava, Oak Street Funding, there's so many more. So, if you're already a Casted customer, throw a webinar into Casted, see what magic you can make happen. If you're not a Casted customer, why aren't you?


Webinars are a fantastic way to engage with your audience on best practices, trends, and thought leadership. But let's face it... they're also so long!

Casted is the perfect home for your webinar recordings, allowing you to:

  • Use transcripts to fuel your next blog post or whitepaper
  • Break the longer content into smaller, bite-sized clips for easier audience consumption
  • Amplify webinar content, using clip embeds, audiograms, or videograms
  • Repurpose webinars into podcast episodes (we did this with Season 7 of The Casted Podcast!)
  • Ungate your content and track engagement through Insights and/or integrations reporting.