Be prepared: Black Friday's a-comin' | Aidan Casey | CMO Diaries

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This is a podcast episode titled, Be prepared: Black Friday's a-comin' | Aidan Casey | CMO Diaries. The summary for this episode is: <p>By nature of the business, Paintru requires long lead times, so in the run-up to Black Friday, Aidan has been working out how best to build excitement while managing expectations, while still standing out from the crowd.</p><p>Key talking points include:</p><ul><li>Why is Black Friday still so important?</li><li>How to get people in the Holiday-gifting mood when it's barely even Fall.</li><li>How to balance expectations from both customers and suppliers.</li></ul>


By nature of the business, Paintru requires long lead times, so in the run-up to Black Friday, Aidan has been working out how best to build excitement while managing expectations, while still standing out from the crowd.

Key talking points include:

  • Why is Black Friday still so important?
  • How to get people in the Holiday-gifting mood when it's barely even Fall.
  • How to balance expectations from both customers and suppliers.