The medium is the messages. How can you leverage SMS marketing as a CMO? | Aidan Casey | CMO Diaries

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This is a podcast episode titled, The medium is the messages. How can you leverage SMS marketing as a CMO? | Aidan Casey | CMO Diaries. The summary for this episode is: <p>Whether you're unsure about SMS marketing for your brand, or curious but not sure where to start, Aidan is here to explain how and why she's been using it so effectively recently.</p><p>Key talking points:</p><ul><li>Why SMS marketing could be valuable to your brand.</li><li>Effective ways of utilizing it.</li><li>Potential uses in the future as platforms evolve.</li></ul>


Whether you're unsure about SMS marketing for your brand, or curious but not sure where to start, Aidan is here to explain how and why she's been using it so effectively recently.

Key talking points:

  • Why SMS marketing could be valuable to your brand.
  • Effective ways of utilizing it.
  • Potential uses in the future as platforms evolve.