Everything a CMO needs to know about product launches | Yoni Solomon | CMO Diaries

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This is a podcast episode titled, Everything a CMO needs to know about product launches | Yoni Solomon | CMO Diaries. The summary for this episode is: <p>Yoni has plenty of experience launching products from his product marketing background, but how did things change when doing the same as a CMO? Turns out, plenty...</p><p><strong>Key talking points</strong></p><ul><li>The important things to consider when launching a product as a CMO.</li><li>Why you should never take things for granted with product launches.</li><li>Why the work doesn't stop once the product is launched.</li></ul>


Yoni has plenty of experience launching products from his product marketing background, but how did things change when doing the same as a CMO? Turns out, plenty...

Key talking points

  • The important things to consider when launching a product as a CMO.
  • Why you should never take things for granted with product launches.
  • Why the work doesn't stop once the product is launched.