Episode 1: Rabbit AI hiccups, GPT-2 chatbot, and OpenAI's licensing deal with the Financial Times

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This is a podcast episode titled, Episode 1: Rabbit AI hiccups, GPT-2 chatbot, and OpenAI's licensing deal with the Financial Times. The summary for this episode is: <p>In the inaugural episode of Mixture of Experts, host Tim Hwang is joined by Kush Varshney, Shobhit Varshney, and Chris Hay. The three AI experts debate the pros and cons of Rabbit’s R1 device. They also unpack GPT-2’s potential evolution and OpenAI’s licensing deal with the Financial Times. Finally, what do Sam Altman and Taylor Swift have in common? Join us to find out!</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><em>The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of IBM or any other organization or entity.</em></p>
00:43 MIN
Three stories covered in today's episode
00:39 MIN
Promise of Rabbit RI
00:59 MIN
Fourth paradigm of computing
01:16 MIN
Is GPT-2 the new GPT-5? Or is it GPT-4.5?
01:04 MIN
What do Sam Altman and Taylor Swift have in common?
00:13 MIN
Will we see similar licensing deals to the one OpenAI signed with the FT?
01:59 MIN
Business of data washing
01:15 MIN


In the inaugural episode of Mixture of Experts, host Tim Hwang is joined by Kush Varshney, Shobhit Varshney, and Chris Hay. The three AI experts debate the pros and cons of Rabbit’s R1 device. They also unpack GPT-2’s potential evolution and OpenAI’s licensing deal with the Financial Times. Finally, what do Sam Altman and Taylor Swift have in common? Join us to find out!

The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of IBM or any other organization or entity.