Banking for all! How financial inclusion could strengthen SA’s quality of life.

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This is a podcast episode titled, Banking for all! How financial inclusion could strengthen SA’s quality of life.. The summary for this episode is: <p>Opening access to responsible, sustainable, and well-regulated financial services could be the key to eliminating extreme poverty for good. In this episode, we speak to a changemaker at one of South Africa's largest banks about extending credit to underserved segments and not leaving anyone behind in our financial system.</p><p><br></p><p>If you enjoyed listening to the podcast, please do leave us a review. We would love to hear from you. </p>


Opening access to responsible, sustainable, and well-regulated financial services could be the key to eliminating extreme poverty for good. In this episode, we speak to a changemaker at one of South Africa's largest banks about extending credit to underserved segments and not leaving anyone behind in our financial system.

If you enjoyed listening to the podcast, please do leave us a review. We would love to hear from you.

Today's Host

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Mudiwa Gavaza

|Journalist at Business Day

Today's Guests

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Shenin Singh

|Managing Executive, Absa