How one of Turkey’s leading street fashion brands uses customer-centricity to stay cool

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This is a podcast episode titled, How one of Turkey’s leading street fashion brands uses customer-centricity to stay cool. The summary for this episode is: <p>Coolness. Some brands have it. Some don’t. What separates cool brands from the rest is sort of… a mystery. Is it about originality? Authenticity? Aesthetics? In this episode, we’re talking to a Turkish fashion retailer - Sneaks Up - who has dedicated itself to feeding the country’s dynamic basketball and street culture. And we’re asking: “What makes a brand cool?” </p>


Coolness. Some brands have it. Some don’t. What separates cool brands from the rest is sort of… a mystery. Is it about originality? Authenticity? Aesthetics? In this episode, we’re talking to a Turkish fashion retailer - Sneaks Up - who has dedicated itself to feeding the country’s dynamic basketball and street culture. And we’re asking: “What makes a brand cool?”

Today's Host

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Umut Gunacar

|Account Executive, Salesforce

Today's Guests

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Serkan Nazlıben

|Director of Marketing, e-Commerce and Customer Services, Sneaks Up
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Mustafa Ünal

|CEO, Sneaks Up