Developing Future Marketing Leaders w/ Jenny Rooney

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This is a podcast episode titled, Developing Future Marketing Leaders w/ Jenny Rooney. The summary for this episode is: What does a journalist who spends every single day with CMOs think about how today's marketing leadership can help define the future of business? I grabbed a quick interview with Jenny Rooney, editor at CMO Forbes, while at Cradle Marketers, an event about shaping the future of marketing held at Miami University.
The industry has been transforming so dramatically.
00:12 MIN
Marketing companies need the most cutting-edge skill sets.
00:14 MIN
Marketing exist only at the request of the consumer.
00:07 MIN


What does a journalist who spends every single day with CMOs think about how today's marketing leadership can help define the future of business? I grabbed a quick interview with Jenny Rooney, editor at CMO Forbes, while at Cradle Marketers, an event about shaping the future of marketing held at Miami University.