April Rassa, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Content, and Communications at HackerOne | To Team or Not to Team

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This is a podcast episode titled, April Rassa, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Content, and Communications at HackerOne | To Team or Not to Team. The summary for this episode is: In the first episode of To Team or Not to Team, host Div Manickam is joined by April Rassa, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Content, and Communications at HackerOne. April shares her career success and how she looks at team growth with simple and proven advice to lead by example and show what great looks like with examples, and templates.


In the first episode of To Team or Not to Team, host Div Manickam is joined by April Rassa, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Content, and Communications at HackerOne. April shares her career success and how she looks at team growth with simple and proven advice to lead by example and show what great looks like with examples, and templates.