Karim Zuhri, Chief Operating Officer at Cascade | To Team or Not to Team

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This is a podcast episode titled, Karim Zuhri, Chief Operating Officer at Cascade | To Team or Not to Team. The summary for this episode is: In episode two of To Team or Not to Team, Karim Zuhri, Chief Operating Officer at Cascade, shares the 3 key things he looks for in a product marketer: Strategy, data analytics, and storytelling skills. Karim has been laser-focused on the following areas — inbound, outbound, business planning & strategy.


In episode two of To Team or Not to Team, Karim Zuhri, Chief Operating Officer at Cascade, shares the 3 key things he looks for in a product marketer: Strategy, data analytics, and storytelling skills. Karim has been laser-focused on the following areas — inbound, outbound, business planning & strategy.