Proactive vs reactive revenue operations strategy with Jordan Shaheen

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This is a podcast episode titled, Proactive vs reactive revenue operations strategy with Jordan Shaheen. The summary for this episode is: <p>This week on RevOps Unboxed, Sandy sits down with Jordan Shaheen, Head of Revenue Strategy and Operations at Candid, to discuss the benefits of a proactive revenue operations strategy. Including prioritizing tasks, staying flexible, and getting your hands dirty with your sales team.</p><p><br></p><h2>About our guest, Jordan Shaheen</h2><p><br></p><p>Jordan is an accomplished RevOps professional with over five years of experience orchestrating revenue operations and business development. Throughout his career, he has collaborated across departments to develop and sell new products.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>His expertise in revenue planning, market segmentation, and operations is demonstrated in his current leadership role at Candid.</p><p><br></p><h2>About our host, Sandy Robinson</h2><p><br></p><p>Sandy is SVP of Revenue Operations at Patra Corporation, a revenue operations enthusiast with over 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, revenue, operations, and revenue enablement.</p><p><br></p><p>Throughout her career, she's seen how revenue operations can make or break a company and is excited to share her knowledge and insights with you.</p><p><br></p><p>In each episode, she'll be talking with a revenue operations practitioner who will share their unique perspective on how they've transformed their revenue operations strategy.</p><p><br></p><p>She'll dive deep into their processes, challenges, and success stories to give you an inside look into the ever-changing world of revenue operations.</p>


This week on RevOps Unboxed, Sandy sits down with Jordan Shaheen, VP Revenue Strategy and Operations at Candid, to discuss the benefits of a proactive revenue operations strategy. Including prioritizing tasks, staying flexible, and getting your hands dirty with your sales team.

About our guest, Jordan Shaheen

Jordan is an accomplished RevOps professional with over five years of experience orchestrating revenue operations and business development. Throughout his career, he has collaborated across departments to develop and sell new products. 

His expertise in revenue planning, market segmentation, and operations is demonstrated in his current leadership role at Candid.

About our host, Sandy Robinson

Sandy is SVP of Revenue Operations at Patra Corporation, a revenue operations enthusiast with over 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, revenue, operations, and revenue enablement.

Throughout her career, she's seen how revenue operations can make or break a company and is excited to share her knowledge and insights with you.

In each episode, she'll be talking with a revenue operations practitioner who will share their unique perspective on how they've transformed their revenue operations strategy.

She'll dive deep into their processes, challenges, and success stories to give you an inside look into the ever-changing world of revenue operations.

Today's Guests

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Jordan Shaheen

|Head of Revenue Strategy and Operations at Candid