An earful of AI for healthable tech | Achin Bhowmik, Ph.D., Starkey

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This is a podcast episode titled, An earful of AI for healthable tech | Achin Bhowmik, Ph.D., Starkey. The summary for this episode is: <p>Key talking points include:</p><ul><li>What perceptual computing is and its applications in the world.</li><li>How technology can help people hear and live better through healthable tech.</li><li>The challenges and innovations in AI help make small devices smarter.</li><li>How is data acquired and what’s its lifecycle for the AI model in hearing aids.</li><li>Where is AI heading and what are its challenges.</li></ul>


Key talking points include:

  • What perceptual computing is and its applications in the world.
  • How technology can help people hear and live better through healthable tech.
  • The challenges and innovations in AI help make small devices smarter.
  • How is data acquired and what’s its lifecycle for the AI model in hearing aids.
  • Where is AI heading and what are its challenges.