AI: augmenting human intelligence | Daniel Bruce, Levatas

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This is a podcast episode titled, AI: augmenting human intelligence | Daniel Bruce, Levatas. The summary for this episode is: <p>Key talking points include:</p><ul><li>The opportunities for AI in today’s world, including real-world applications.</li><li>How AI is mimicking human intelligence to expand it and not replacing it.</li><li>The challenges with data deriving from AI applications.</li><li>The iterative nature of the AI lifecycle.</li><li>Opportunities within AI applications and challenges around them.</li></ul>


Key talking points include:

  • The opportunities for AI in today’s world, including real-world applications.
  • How AI is mimicking human intelligence to expand it and not replacing it.
  • The challenges with data deriving from AI applications.
  • The iterative nature of the AI lifecycle.
  • Opportunities within AI applications and challenges around them.