Ditch the Spreadsheet: How Showpad’s IT and Procurement Teams Re-Imagined Managing SaaS

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This is a podcast episode titled, Ditch the Spreadsheet: How Showpad’s IT and Procurement Teams Re-Imagined Managing SaaS. The summary for this episode is:
Spreadsheets - there had to be a better way
00:44 MIN
Zylo Product Highlight - Zylo enabled Showpad to act quickly to rightsize their tech stack and create huge savings.
00:47 MIN
Manual tracking of renewals to proactive, automated alerts
01:01 MIN
Using Zylo as the Single Source of Truth
00:52 MIN


Tune in as Zylo and Showpad provide an in-depth look at how IT and Procurement teams can lead the charge in managing subscription software, realizing savings, and building governance. Register to view the on-demand webinar now!