"What is LUG?"

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This is a podcast episode titled, "What is LUG?". The summary for this episode is: <p>The IBM i Large User Group (LUG) is an influential group of members from over 80 large companies around the world who have a significant investment in IBM i, and meet three times a year in Rochester, Minnesota, to help IBM direct the future of the IBM i platform. In this episode we are joined by IBM i LUG Liaison Brad Menges, and the two current co-chairs of LUG, Dutch and Dave. We learn about what the LUG is, how new members are admitted, and how this unique 30 year partnership has helped direct the development of IBM i, and benefited our customers, our development teams, and the IBM i GSC.</p><p><br></p><p><a href="https://www.ibmilug.ihost.com/membership/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the LUG</a></p>


The IBM i Large User Group (LUG) is an influential group of members from over 80 large companies around the world who have a significant investment in IBM i, and meet three times a year in Rochester, Minnesota, to help IBM direct the future of the IBM i platform. In this episode we are joined by IBM i LUG Liaison Brad Menges, and the two current co-chairs of LUG, Dutch and Dave. We learn about what the LUG is, how new members are admitted, and how this unique 30 year partnership has helped direct the development of IBM i, and benefited our customers, our development teams, and the IBM i GSC.

Join the LUG

Today's Host

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Kurt Schroeder

|IBM i GSC Support, Save Restore/BRMS
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Alex Marquis

|IBM i GSC Support, Data Access

Today's Guests

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|Co-chair of the IBM i Large User Group (LUG)
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|Co-chair of the IBM i Large User Group (LUG)
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Brad Menges

|IBM LUG Liasion