How Hearing No Taught Pipcorn To Fight For Their Business

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This is a podcast episode titled, How Hearing No Taught Pipcorn To Fight For Their Business. The summary for this episode is: In the early days of Pipcorn, everything went well right for the brand. They landed a deal on Shark Tanks, won distribution at Whole Foods, and saw everything pointing up and to the right. But when an investor left the company with nothing but empty promises after a 5-month process, the team at Pipcorn learned that they have to fight for their business. I sat down with Teresa Tsou, the co- founder and co-CEO of Pipcorn to talk about their journey and how they ultimately shook off the no’s in order to fight for themselves.


In the early days of Pipcorn, everything went well right for the brand. They landed a deal on Shark Tanks, won distribution at Whole Foods, and saw everything pointing up and to the right. But when an investor left the company with nothing but empty promises after a 5-month process, the team at Pipcorn learned that they have to fight for their business. I sat down with Teresa Tsou, the co- founder and co-CEO of Pipcorn to talk about their journey and how they ultimately shook off the no’s in order to fight for themselves.