How a solo CI practitioner succeeds in an organization of thousands | Jayde Phillips

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This is a podcast episode titled, How a solo CI practitioner succeeds in an organization of thousands | Jayde Phillips. The summary for this episode is: <p>Jayde Phillips is Senior Strategy and Market Intelligence Manager at Egencia, part of American Express GBT (Global Business Travel).</p><p>With eight solid years of experience in product marketing, CI and strategy behind her, Jayde is well-placed to lead the competitive intelligence function as a solo practitioner in a business with a headcount in the thousands. Jayde joins us on the show to chat insights, past wins, and best practices.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key talking points:</strong></p><ul><li>The practical differences between competitive and market intelligence.</li><li>The easy, quick way to identify your top three threats amongst your primary competitors.</li><li>How to use a win/loss initiative to drive win rates higher, and how Jayde implements this herself. </li></ul><p><br></p><p><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Check out the CI-by-Industry eBook.</a></p><p><br></p><p>Interested in being a guest on the show? <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Click here.</a></p><p><br></p><p><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Offer Competitive Intelligence Alliance your feedback and suggestions.</a></p>

Alex Walton: Welcome back to the Compete Clarity Podcast. This marks the return to our regular programming following the CI by industry miniseries. If you haven't checked out that miniseries yet, you can listen to all those episodes alongside these ones. We released it all under the Compete Clarity name and we've titled the episodes accordingly, so it should be super easy to find. If you're interested in that miniseries and would like to learn more about the discussions we had with Competitive Intelligence Pros from five different industries with almost 50 years of CI experience between them. In the show notes, you can find a link to the CI by industry ebook, which takes those conversations and distills them into the key takeaways and practical processes our guests have been iterating and improving through their time in CI. There's a final note on that before we get into the episode. We put this stuff together for you, folks. Our members in the community, and of course, our listeners, you guys, wherever you may be around the globe. If you've got any suggestions or feedback on any of the content we produce, publish and put out there, I want to hear it. Send an email to alex @ competitiveintelligencealliance. io. That's alex @ competitiveintelligencealliance. io, and that will come straight through to me. I'll read every single suggestion. If you've got any feedback at all on how we can improve the amount of value that we put out there for all of you lot, then please don't hesitate to reach out. That's enough about us. Today's guest is Jayde Phillips, Senior Strategy and Market Intelligence Manager at Egencia. They're a part of American Express Global Business Travel. She's got eight solid years of experience in product marketing, CI and strategy behind her and brings the expertise to the show today where we talk all about the practical differences between competitive and market intelligence. The easy quick way to identify your top three threats amongst your primary competitors and how to use a win- loss initiative to drive win rates higher and how Jayde implements this herself. Let's welcome Jayde Phillips. Awesome. First off, you are the senior manager of strategy and market intelligence at Egencia. Just so we understand, the listeners understand things like product line, types of things you're competing on specifically, would you mind just taking us through what Egencia is and what you guys do over there?

Jayde Phillips: Sure. Egencia is a tech company in the business travel space. We provide business travel across all industries and across all company sizes. Our target audience are mid- market, so me and also startups as well. We funnel into large organizations as well. That's our audience. We don't have a specific industry that we work in. We work across all industries because everyone travels, which is great. We provide a platform where people can book flights, hotels, rail, ground travel, and also, manage a bit of their expenses attached to travel as well. An end- to- end and business travel platform.

Alex Walton: How big is the company? What's the headcount like?

Jayde Phillips: That's a good question. We're quite a meaty company. I think we're just over 4, 000 employees global. Based in all your key regions, so EMEA, APAC, North America as well. I'm not sure how many offices we have, but I imagine it to be over about 40 across the globe and staff. We're headquartered in the states, Bellevue/ New York and I'm based in London, the UK, at the moment.

Alex Walton: I'm dying to know whether the size of the company is reflected in the size of the competitive intelligence team. How many people are in the team? Is it just you or is it actually quite a large competitive intelligence team for once?

Jayde Phillips: I am a one- man band at the moment, so it's just myself. I sit within the product marketing team but heading up the CI function. I support the commercial team and marketing team, but also product and engineering as well. I do a lot of products, competitive research and insights as well that help to drive product strategy and roadmap. Quite a big size of audience that I support. We do obviously have third parties that we work with as well to help with some of the stuff. Essentially, at the moment, it's just myself in CI. It's great. CI is quite a new profession I would say. It's definitely one that's grown in interest in terms of companies and taken a bit more seriously as well as I think as time goes on, product marketing started off as really small teams and now you're having teams with 10, 15 people in, I think CI will get to that stage eventually as well.

Alex Walton: It seems to me that, I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but you did mention third parties. It seems to me at least from the people I've spoken to so far, if someone has market intelligence in their role title rather than competitive intelligence, it tends to follow this trend where it's because in their industry with what they're doing, competitor data is just rare. It's hard to get ahold of specific, the objective stuff that the competitors are saying about themselves that you can go away and use and be like, " Oh, okay." In a SaaS company for example, if they're publishing change logs or they're like, we've got an app or some software. Here's literally what we changed since last time. Here's what we're planning on releasing and updating next week. You can't go out and find that necessarily, so you have to rely on the Foresters and the Gartners, et cetera, to try and help you understand from a broader market perspective just what earth is going on out there. Because our competitors have no real public presence that I can grab. Just wondering, is that the case at Egencia as well, is objective competitor data hard to get your hands on?

Jayde Phillips: I think in general it's not even just a Egencia, it is hard to get competitive data because a lot of companies are more private in terms of what they're doing and what they're willing to show. What I would say with competitor intelligence, it's definitely a mixture of primary and secondary sources that you leverage. With the primary, it is going into your Salesforce data and seeing feedback from your sales reps. If you've competed against the competitor, they might have completed information on that from the prospect or customer as well from the secondary sources. I always find help centers are really, really good sources for that information as well, especially as most people's centers are open, which is great. You can have a good snooze around and see exactly what's happening in terms of enhancements and new tools as well. It's definitely a mixture of both types of research, primary and secondary. I think if you have aggregated tools or news aggregated tools like Crayon. Crayon is a popular CI tool, it really helps to also just have everything central and easy to find as well. That makes my life a bit easier in terms of understanding what competitors are doing.

Alex Walton: Would you say that if you had to pick three sources of intel, those three that you mentioned, like the Salesforce feedback help centers and then perhaps aggregated news using maybe CI platforms, some people use Google Alerts to try and DIY it. Would you say those are your three main sources or are there are other ones that you would throw in there that you think actually that one's essential to?

Jayde Phillips: Yeah, it all depends on the nature of your project and the data that you need. What you will need to do first is determine your data sources. Again, this will link back to the data that you need. It may be a case where primary sources are more relevant, so conducting your own interviews, surveys and focus groups or your secondary research around looking at existing databases. For example, online or reports and even websites, like help centers as well. It's hard to say what particular source is great and it should be governed by the nature of the projects that you're working on and information that you need to collect for about research.

Alex Walton: Presumably that figuring out what sources you're going to draw on and the nature of the project itself. Presumably that starts with I guess communicating effectively with the stakeholder groups in question, figuring out what they want from you and why they want it so that you can actually deliver that. What tips do you have for people when it comes to working with sales or maybe reporting to leadership or product in terms of making sure they're bought into whatever the project is that you are helping with? Also, just in general, effective communication with them so that you are sure you're understanding exactly what it is that they require from you? Because as you mentioned, you're a team of one, resources are scarce. You don't want any of your time during the week going to waste because there was some miscommunication with someone.

Jayde Phillips: Sure. That's a lot of impact. What I would start with saying is when you do any type of data gathering, the first point is to define your objectives. Clearly outline your goals and what you're trying to achieve. Say, what information and insights am I trying to obtain? If it's a case where you are providing research for a department, say the commercial team, then you need to sit down with those stakeholders and actually confirm exactly what the nature of the project is and the goal that you want to achieve from it as well. I think going back to the bit of your question around buy- in, or communication, I think it's definitely good to rope them in at the beginning of projects so that you have their buy-in from the beginning and it's just as simple as just having regular touchpoints with them. So, being on Zoom, or online, or email, or even Slack, depending what the best channels are for your organization and then just keeping them up to date on successes and milestones as well. Also, highlighting the value of what you're doing to them or for them and how that research will bring value to their roles as well. The communication piece is quite important, but my best tip is to make sure that you involve them at the start of the project and make sure that they're up- to- date on everything that you are doing so that there's no miscommunication along the line, in terms of what we should be focusing on and what you've delivered at the end of the project as well.

Alex Walton: It sounds like a really great three- point piece of advice for good communication in general. Rope them in at the beginning. Touch base with them frequently and then just keep them updated with milestones, how the project is developing, how close you are to completing it, all that stuff. You know what? It has just occurred to me that we've never actually on the show before formally walked listeners through the differences between competitive and market intelligence when it comes to the practical day- to- day stuff. I'm just wondering quickly if you'd mind walking us through some of those more practical differences day- to- day as you see them and as you understand them and experience them in your own role.

Jayde Phillips: Sure. Competitor intelligence that's focusing on your top competitors at Egencia, we have about eight, but three that we focus on. We're very strategic on who we target and why we target. That's aligned to win rate. We have our top three threats and then a lot of our initiatives are based on how do we increase our win rate up against those top competitors. I think it's important to have a realistic or targeted group because it's impossible to have a strategy like a CI strategy and plan that say, targets all 10 of the people that you compete against in terms of resources and time. It's just not doable unless you have a specifically large team. Honing into those top three and making sure that your sales team are equipped with the insights fee enablement that they need to win against them is quite key. The market intelligence bit is around the industry. Identifying what trends and patterns you're seeing in the industry and why I'm understanding them. For example, an AI at the moment is a hot topic across I think most industries from finance to education and even travel as well. The reason why my role is divided into both market and competitor is because the market piece is what keeps you competitive because it's actually understanding the current needs but also, the future needs of what your customers want as well. That insight is what you can drive and back into products and make sure that their roadmaps and their longtime planning is based specifically on the needs of the customer and market and not what they think we should be focusing on at the moment as well. I emphasize 50/ 50 on both aspects of intelligence for that.

Alex Walton: Thanks very much for that explanation. I think it will help people listening to maybe if their role is strictly competitive intelligence, maybe incorporate some of that if they're not already. It sounds like the market intelligence is the context within which you're competing against competitor X, Y and Z. Without that, it's going to be difficult not to get lost in the weeds a little bit with, they have this feature or we have this feature. One thing that you mentioned there which I think was quite interesting was prioritization for you in the competitive intelligence work that you do, you're prioritizing between the 8 to 10 competitors. You boiled it down to the three main ones and the way that you did that at Egencia was through win rate. You identify the top three threats within deals where maybe you're losing out a little more than you'd like to or the three that were right at the top there. Then the initiative is how do we increase the win rate? I'm just wondering what kind of tactics or strategies you use to drive that win rate higher?

Jayde Phillips: I think there's a number of ways that you can do that. One of the ways is through win- loss interviews. Having a win- loss interview program or strategy is quite good. What I've done in the past is have interviews done every quarter about up to six. I think six is a good size to provide a wide range of feedback and also to identify trends and patterns on why people have jumped on boards with you, but also, why you lost a deal as well. Then feeding back an insight and back into the commercial teams through interactive sessions and picking out the bits on why we win and why we lose and our competitive advantage against that competitor as well and doing it in a way where you're sharing those key insights and that you can even incorporate gamification to make sure that the information you are sharing is actually resonating and being understood as well. Win- loss interview is a good way. Also, things like having a session on your one of the top three competitors and really just breaking down in terms of what they do. Having a section for example on their products and service offering and going into details on the different tools and features that they provide. Then having a compact session on the tactical ways on how to beat them, say what do they do or good at? Also, what is our advantage against them? What should we be speaking about to prospects when we know that we're competing against them? What are the say top three or five things that you should mention? It's not about bashing the competitor to them, it's just highlighting your company's strengths and why that customer should go with you and based on what you do, whether as well. Having those tactical sessions I think is quite key as well. Then making sure that you have a central hub for all that information. Say, one system, one platform that people can go to and self- serve and find all that enablement and all that content that you're creating as well is quite keen.

Alex Walton: Thank you. That's a very detailed answer. Win- loss programs to start with, customer interviews you mentioned every quarter. Let's dig into that a little bit, actually. Win- loss programs, I know different people have different ways that they like to do them, depending on how much resource they have and stuff like that. You hear a lot of the time people recommending you use a third party. Sometimes customers will get on the phone with you, but then they don't want to hurt feelings. They maybe aren't going to be as frank as you'd like them to be. Then there's also the thorny issue of, can you really be confident they even understand their own motivations for doing things? If you're only speaking to one person at the business, are they the decision maker or is there a group of decision makers? Then the whole problem grows arms and legs. I guess the question would be, how do you deal with that uncertainty yourself?

Jayde Phillips: Sure. I think it's important not to blame and point the finger when you present these insights back to the commercial team. Going back to your point of making sure that, so one, establishing the trust of the prospects that you're interviewing. Make them feel comfortable, but they can be open and that they can give honest feedback. I think if you have the budget to go through a third party, because that will help to ensure that they are comfortable because it's a stranger to them. They don't really have that sense of obligation to be nice if they need to definitely do it. If you can't afford to do it, then it's obviously having yourself or someone else that they're not familiar with and just making sure that your names and everything else won't be passed back onto to everyone and that the information that you share is for educational purposes and nothing else as well. That's another way to build up their trust in terms of how you share that site activity. Example, if you identify a trend that's quite negative on how we approach customers or prospects and stuff, it's not to pinpoint and to blame. It's to provide alternative ways on how to go about and targeting certain individuals or industries as well. Some things that we notice that customers sometimes feel uncomfortable with our communication style. A suggested way is perhaps test this instead and see how it goes. If it works, then it should be a consistent thing in your sales strategy as well. It's not about blaming, it's about educating and providing constructive ways on how to overcome challenges.

Alex Walton: We've got the customer interviews, is there any of win- loss data getting pulled from maybe directly from sales logging, something maybe in a little dropdown field in the CRM after they finish, after they close each deal won or lost, or is it primarily the customer interviews for you?

Jayde Phillips: Generally speaking, I think in Salesforce or your CRM system, you should have that box where people can include that information in. Giving feedback to the Pacific deal and how they and the experience of that particular customer. Then when you do your win- loss analysis, you should be reviewing that information because that's a key way to identify any trends as well that you're seeing from your prospects and also, how the sales reps approach certain deals. It could be, and then it's also good for those deals from a company size. Are you seeing a positive or a negative trend when it comes to large organizations that are coming through the sales pipeline or SME as well? Again, I think it's important that you're writing the information into that kind of research and then feedback to the team so they can leverage in future deals as well.

Alex Walton: Okay, cool. Approaching it from every angle. You mentioned these tactical combat sessions. I'm quite interested to know in the day- to- day practical aspect of putting those on. Are there any kind of particular challenges people should know about? Because it's something that you definitely hear about, but depending I guess on the personality of the competitive intelligence person. Organizing something like that, running a session might be something that they don't necessarily feel too comfortable with or they might think, " Well, okay, maybe there aren't that many resources online in terms of how do I actually hold one, how do I conduct one?" What does it look like for you? And do you have any advice for people who maybe haven't done that before to help them get over that first hurdle, so to speak?

Jayde Phillips: Yeah, sure. I think that links into a big thing that I support, which is relationship building. Making sure that you have really good relationships with key members of the teams that you support. One way to do this is to set up a CI and champ and program. For example, if you support the commercial and marketing team, it's having key reps in your program that are the voice of the customer or their peers and of their teams. They could be a good way to get the buy- in of everyone else in those departments as well. When you have tactical initiatives that they can help to promote it on your behalf, so through Slack, through email. Even just through team meetings as well. I think they're a really, really good source for the buy- in aspect. I think in terms of having the confidence and trust of everyone else, it's just a case of just doing it. Just putting those meetings in the diary. Putting yourself out there and just being open, and yourself as well. What I would say in these types of meetings is to be informal. Don't come across as someone who's dictating or talking at, but what you want them to do is engage them and involve them in the discussion. Even through your presentations or tactics, invite them to ask questions or ask people to ask questions and stuff as well. Again, that will help to build up your relationship with them and also, get more buy- in to what you're providing for them. Because all the content that you create in CI, but you want to make sure that it's adopted and regularly used. Having raised presentations where people can put a face of a name helps to drive that as well. Because it's like okay, well I've seen how they are in the presentations, that we had a great discussion. I was able to share my feedback and honest and look reviews as well. I would definitely start to incorporate this information into some of the stuff that I'm doing into my day-to-day calls as well. In a nutshell, relationships, building those relationships, starting with key members of the team first and then eventually just building that trust, freebies and wider meetings that you have is the approach that has worked for me across all my different CI roles and product marketing roles that I've had.

Alex Walton: That's interesting. It always strikes me, to be honest, when I first learned about competitive intelligence and what it was. I just thought it was spreadsheets and numbers and everything like that. It always strikes me how in every episode and with everybody that I talk to, how much relationships and communication and working with other people is really like, I don't know if 90% of the job is accurate, but it's so much of it. If you can't do that part of it effectively, then it doesn't really matter how good at gathering data and assimilating data and digesting it you are. There'll be some barrier somewhere, whether it's with adoption or whether it's with fully understanding what people need or why sales aren't using your battle cards or something like that. I was speaking to a guy a few weeks ago on the show, Chris Link, who was saying that if he doesn't optimize his battle cards for mobile devices, your sales team won't use them. I'd like to move on now if I may, just to talk about your analysis process a little bit. Once you've got all of your data gathered from disparate sources, is there a formal process that you follow to go, " Okay, here's my raw data. Now, let's follow this process to turn it into deliverable A or deliverable B or deliverable C." You hear about these things like in a SWOT analysis, pestle analysis, Porter's five forces, stuff like that. This kind of quite textbook- y stuff that I'm never really sure whether competitive intelligence pros in practice use it or whether it's just, let's just get all the data I can, process it through my brain. Then once a project comes along as long as I'm testing on top of the data, I'll know how to deliver it in the format that I need. Do you use any of those formal analysis frameworks at all, or is it the opposite?

Jayde Phillips: I think in general, so once you've done your data research, like you said from the next stage is analyzing the data for trends and patterns and so forth. I think how you do it depends on the nature of your project and what the objectives are as well. The goal is what you outlined at the beginning and stuff. For example, if I'm doing a research project on win- loss spend, I want to be looking on trends around product feedback. Any feedback around sales and marketing and also, behavior patterns as well. I know those insights are what will benefit the teams that I serve. Say, the commercial team will benefit from any kind of behavior insights around buying patterns and trends. The product team will benefit around information on what tools and features the prospect felt were good or felt that needed to be enhanced or developed as well. Then the marketing team would find insights around the needs and demands of customers, which I can then make sure that is aligned in their campaigns as well. I don't think there's a clear route of how we should do analysis. It should be aligned to what your goal is and what specific information you're looking for. What I will say is it's really important. Even though your analysis is actually based on the data, you want to make sure that you're adding your own recommendations and key takeaways at the back of it. I think for CI, where in a unique position where executives also lean on us for direction of the business and what we should be prioritizing as well. For us, that comes through the information and the data that you share. For example, if your feedback is around not providing a certain aspect in your products, and at the back of it you're losing GBV, then in your recommendations you need to highlight that because we don't have X, Y, and Z feature. We are losing out against other competitors and this is something that we should explore more investment behind in terms of, if this is a new tool or feature that we should be developing. That could be things like mobile. If you don't have a strong mobile at the moment because most of your customers are on desktop, but now you're seeing trends in mobile. For example, Ben, should we do more to optimize our product offering on mobile for example as well? I think not just providing the analysis but also, as in your own recommendations and takeaways are quite key as well. That, I think is important when it comes to the analysis piece as well in addition to analyzing the data.

Alex Walton: It's interesting. You mentioned it depends on the project. How in practice does that look for you day- to- day? I imagine, are there these set expectations that you're going to deliver, I don't know, some widespread competitive news brief once a quarter or once a month and you're going to be kind iterating over battle cards and things like that and those are the business- as- usual responsibilities, I guess? Or is it more things landing on your desk in the morning and you're going, " Okay, I've got to deal with this today. What data do I need to deliver that specific thing?"

Jayde Phillips: That's an interesting one. It varies but dependent on what I'm doing. With some of the data that we do, it is a case of going back and refreshing our battle cards. Like you say, so making sure that with the new intelligence that we've had that it's reflected in some of our and core materials. Like battle cards for examples and sales decks and stuff like that as well for other ad hoc research pieces, in terms of how we present that. Normally, based on the person that you are presenting to. I have a format of if it's a, say for example for products, they tend to want in- depth information on what's happening with other products and competitors. A word that form, that splits into key areas is what they feel like is more valuable. If your insights, you're going to be presenting to the commercial team, presentations with short bullet points are quite key as well and any extra information in your speaker notes as well. Depending on the audience, your delivery and format should be geared to their needs and how they digest information and content as well. It's a hard one, but you have to be flexible because not serving yourself, you're serving others. You need to cater to their needs in terms of how they receive information and take that information in as well.

Alex Walton: I think that's a very good point. You're not serving yourself, you're serving others. I think it must be a tricky one. Again, I guess it comes back to communication, but answering the question that you wish you'd been asked, if that makes sense, sometimes a little bit. I'm sure there's a temptation to do some of that. Great point. I do just want to go back quickly to something you mentioned a bit earlier, which is while we were talking about win- loss, you mentioned that it is quite essential to have this hub in place where people can go and check out resources in a self- serve manner. I'm wondering what that looks like for you in terms of what resources end up in there. I spoke to other people who talk about data packs, a data pack style thing, or maybe they've got battle cards that are separate from a competitor deck that people can go into and just bring themselves up to speed with the competitor. I imagine there's something similar in there for you as well?

Jayde Phillips: Yeah. Generally speaking, in any kind of CI hub, it's just making sure you have all your key information, so all your key assets, so your win- loss status. It'd be interviews and presentations or deep dives that you do at the back of it. Also, linking to other resources. If you use a tool like Crayon and your battle card is on crayon, so having links in your main platform that directs people to it as well is quite key. Just making sure that the content is organized in the way that it's easy to find and navigate is quite key. That's what we do. We have sections like win- loss sections on reports, sections on research, and then by themes and topics as well, which just makes it easier for whoever's going into it to find the information that they need. If you're super organized, you can split it by the different departments that you speak. You produce content specifically for your marketing team, having a dedicated space with all their resources under, it's quite a useful way for them to find information and to make sure that it's being regularly conducted as well. Everything that you do should be stored in that one platform. If you have third parties that you link out to, you should still be linking to them through that platform as well so that if they need to go into battle cards, there's a link that they can click and then move the battle cards on your third- party site, for example, like Crayon or whatever tool you use as well. It's making sure that everything is on there and organized in a way that it's easy to find and navigate.

Alex Walton: Are you quite an organized person by nature? It sounds like you feel quite strongly about that. It should all be in one place. It should be easily navigable. People shouldn't have to go over into 20 different apps to find what they need.

Jayde Phillips: Well, by habit, yes. Definitely, I can organize and regimen in- person in terms of how it's structured and organized, but also feedback from the commercial team as well. I've heard from sales folks the reason why they don't use content, for example, is because they can't find it or it's not in a place where they normally look as well. Having that single source for everything helps to stop that silo of them using the content. We produce content obviously being used and we invest a lot of time and money as well, so you want to be making sure that they actually use it. Having that central hub is quite key versus in having it in different places, for example, which then they can't refer back to if they need to use it for different calls at Salesforce and stuff that they're having as well. In my case, it's always been a mixture of me personally just being organized, but also feedback from the commercial team of just not using content because it's just not in one place for them to self- serve. I think it's key that you have one platform. If you don't, definitely invest in a tool because it will save you so much time and also save you from people bombarding you with questions as well as to where things are located and saved as well. Things like SharePoint, for example, are a good platform to have for and good tools like that.

Alex Walton: Just before we wrap, tell me about your biggest competitive intelligence success story. Was there a project that sticks out to you that you just really crossed it, everything went really well, you were like, " Yep, this had a really massive impact positively on the business." Or maybe if you prefer, we could go the opposite way and talk about something that didn't work so well and the learnings from that.

Jayde Phillips: I won't go into specific information. We say there was some research that I did and it was in collaboration with our win- loss team as well, or MCRM team as well. What we discovered is that there's a certain area of our products that we don't technically provide. At the back of not providing it, we're losing out on revenue to our target audience. The case was being made is we should consider this. Is this a new read that our product should go down because this is what our audience are demanding? If we can't provide the demands, they will continue to go elsewhere. At the back of that conversation and that conversation was backed by data and I think that's just a key thing to highlight. If you have a point, if you want to suggest or recommend anything to do with what your business and prioritize and be a direction that they go in, always have data to back your point. You can't argue with data. It's fair, it's facts. It's in front of you. Based on the intelligence and insights that we provided, the business has now decided to invest in looking at if this is a particular rate that we should go down moving forward. If we did, what would that look like? What should that offer look like? What would our customers benefit from and what would make us different compared to what existing customers are doing now? That's an example that comes to mind at the moment and something like that can really help to bring more business for your company as well. It's really important. If you are making those recommendations, again, but you just have the intelligence but to back your thoughts. Also, if you had others, other stakeholders that share the same view or stronger in numbers as well. Get them behind, get them to talk badge and promote as well and have that task force in place if you want to see that change happen or at least being considered in any way. Yes, that's my success story.

Alex Walton: Awesome. Sorry, I put you on the spot there, made you filter specifics out. That's great to hear. We do hear from the community quite a lot. We get questions in the Slack channel and stuff. People asking, how can I boost the credibility of the competitive intelligence program that I'm running? How can I prove its value? How can I get more investment and get a bigger team, maybe? It's always great to hear how competitive intelligence can have a positive impact on businesses and make people rethink things and provide some strategic direction and stuff as well. Jayde, I want to say thanks so much for taking the time to talk with us today. It's been great having you on. If people want to learn more about you or from you, can they follow you anywhere, LinkedIn, maybe, anywhere like that?

Jayde Phillips: Sure. LinkedIn is probably the best place and it's just simply my name. Jayde, spelled with a Y. J- A- Y- D- E. Then Phillips with two Ls. Happy to connect with people and network as well. If you have any questions on what I've said today as well, by all means, please reach out. Happy to grow my network as well and learn from others as well, because I'm still learning in CI. It's forever changing as well, so it'd be great to exchange insights and stuff with others as well. Thank you for having me on your show. It's been a great chat.

Alex Walton: You're very welcome. Thanks again, Jayde. Thanks again, folks, for listening to another episode of the Compete Clarity Podcast. I'm here to tell you it's that time again. We are looking for show guests and we want to hear from you. If you've got at least five years of competitive intelligence experience, are not selling something and would like to share your story and your experience with our listeners, click the link in the show notes or send an email through to contribute @ competitiveintelligencealliance. io and we'll be in touch. If you're a business or a vendor interested in sponsoring the show for a period of time or a set number of episodes, direct your inquiry to partner @ competitiveintelligencealliance. io. Thanks again for listening, everybody. We'll see you next time.


Jayde Phillips is Senior Strategy and Market Intelligence Manager at Egencia, part of American Express GBT (Global Business Travel).

With eight solid years of experience in product marketing, CI and strategy behind her, Jayde is well-placed to lead the competitive intelligence function as a solo practitioner in a business with a headcount in the thousands. Jayde joins us on the show to chat insights, past wins, and best practices.

Key talking points:

  • The practical differences between competitive and market intelligence.
  • The easy, quick way to identify your top three threats amongst your primary competitors.
  • How to use a win/loss initiative to drive win rates higher, and how Jayde implements this herself.

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