SaaScast | Negotiating SaaS Contracts

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This is a podcast episode titled, SaaScast | Negotiating SaaS Contracts. The summary for this episode is: <p>Whether you’re a SaaS startup looking to build that all important tech stack, or you’re closing a deal with a really crucial customer, if you don’t have a solid process for contract negotiation, it can create real friction when closing deals. And believe us, that’s a real headache. How many costly hours and resources are wasted because startups don’t have a rigorous process in place for closing contracts? According to Mark Sherwood Edwards of Clearview legal, a heck of a lot. Listen to this riveting new discussion to find out how you can: Establish a process for contract negotiation,Create a frictionless process and Prepare your org for contract negotiation.Say goodbye to messy contracts, listen here. </p>


Whether you’re a SaaS startup looking to build that all important tech stack, or you’re closing a deal with a really crucial customer, if you don’t have a solid process for contract negotiation, it can create real friction when closing deals. And believe us, that’s a real headache. How many costly hours and resources are wasted because startups don’t have a rigorous process in place for closing contracts? According to Mark Sherwood Edwards of Clearview legal, a heck of a lot. Listen to this riveting new discussion to find out how you can: Establish a process for contract negotiation,Create a frictionless process and Prepare your org for contract negotiation.Say goodbye to messy contracts, listen here.