Launch vs release | Allison Milone, Epsilon

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This is a podcast episode titled, Launch vs release | Allison Milone, Epsilon. The summary for this episode is: In the fifth episode of the Ready, Set, Go-to-Market, host Holly Watson is joined by Allison Milone, Director of Product Marketing at Epsilon. Terminology across teams is essential, and some teams need to clarify the difference between launches and releases, or perhaps how launch tiers differ. Holly and Allison discuss the best ways to determine what your team might be working with.


In the fifth episode of the Ready, Set, Go-to-Market, host Holly Watson is joined by Allison Milone, Director of Product Marketing at Epsilon. Terminology across teams is essential, and some teams need to clarify the difference between launches and releases, or perhaps how launch tiers differ. Holly and Allison discuss the best ways to determine what your team might be working with.