The biggest lessons learned after working at Meta for 17 years, with Naomi Gleit

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This is a podcast episode titled, The biggest lessons learned after working at Meta for 17 years, with Naomi Gleit. The summary for this episode is: <p>Key Talking Points</p><ul><li>Working on foundational products across the different Meta apps.</li><li>The high and low points of working at Meta over the last 17 years.</li></ul><ul><li>The importance of prioritizing and categorizing user feedback when launching new features.</li></ul><ul><li>How Naomi progressed into a product management role at Meta and how she added value to the company as a non-technical PM.</li></ul><ul><li>Key skills you need to be a great product leader.</li></ul>


Key Talking Points

  • Working on foundational products across the different Meta apps.
  • The high and low points of working at Meta over the last 17 years.
  • The importance of prioritizing and categorizing user feedback when launching new features.
  • How Naomi progressed into a product management role at Meta and how she added value to the company as a non-technical PM.
  • Key skills you need to be a great product leader.