Best practices for onboarding | Shari Srebnick, Searchmetrics

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This is a podcast episode titled, Best practices for onboarding | Shari Srebnick, Searchmetrics. The summary for this episode is: <p>This week, Rupal Nishar is joined by Shari Srebnick is the Head of Customer Success in the U.S. at Searchmetrics, a global SEO and content marketing software company. Shari discusses the best practices for customer onboarding, and considers how implementation and customer lifetime value (CLTV) all start with onboarding.</p>


This week, Rupal Nishar is joined by Shari Srebnick is the Head of Customer Success in the U.S. at Searchmetrics, a global SEO and content marketing software company. Shari discusses the best practices for customer onboarding, and considers how implementation and customer lifetime value (CLTV) all start with onboarding.