We need your Honest No-BS Feedback! What should we do next?

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This is a podcast episode titled, We need your Honest No-BS Feedback! What should we do next?. The summary for this episode is: <p>Thanks to all Catalog &amp;amp; Cocktails #honestnobs data podcast listeners who have been following us for 4 years. Tim and Juan are going to take a break for a few weeks to brainstorm what’s next, and we would appreciate your honest no-bs feedback! We would love your input:</p><p>- What new topics should we cover?</p><p>- What topics should we dive into?</p><p>- Should we have a new format (e.g panel, debates)?</p><p>- Who would you like to see as a guest?</p><p>Reach out to us on LinkedIn or email juan@data.world to share your feedback!</p>


Thanks to all Catalog &amp; Cocktails #honestnobs data podcast listeners who have been following us for 4 years. Tim and Juan are going to take a break for a few weeks to brainstorm what’s next, and we would appreciate your honest no-bs feedback! We would love your input:

- What new topics should we cover?

- What topics should we dive into?

- Should we have a new format (e.g panel, debates)?

- Who would you like to see as a guest?

Reach out to us on LinkedIn or email juan@data.world to share your feedback!