Introducing the Tea on Cybersecurity
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Jara Rowe: I think sometimes when people spill tea, they pretty much give it to you like you're a kid, so that's what we're wanting to do with cybersecurity. Hi, I'm Jara Rowe. I'm the content marketing specialist at Trava. Our podcast is The Tea on Cybersecurity, a show from Trava. Trava is a cybersecurity SaaS company. We offer product and services to help small to medium- sized businesses develop a risk management strategy. I want to bring SaaS employees and leaders along the journey with me to understand more about cybersecurity. I actually know very little about cybersecurity, so a lot of the content I create is helping to answer my own questions. One of the very first things we're going to answer is, what is cybersecurity? What does that mean from a personal standpoint and a business? We're also going to talk about some of the lingo that people get confused about like the difference between risks, threats, and vulnerabilities. We'll also go over some more lingo like phishing. That's with a P- H and not an F. People get phished all the time, so we're going to dive into that as well. A lot of SaaS when they're startups, the leaders in particular don't really think that cybersecurity is all that important to them. It's not high on the list, but it should be, very much so. Their employees are typically the weakest links. Jim Goldman is Trava's CEO and co- founder. His pedigree goes on forever. He used to work for the FBI. He was also a professor at Purdue, so he's been around for a while and has a lot of knowledge. He'll be on several episodes of The Tea on Cybersecurity as a guest. Marie Joseph is another guest. She's the security solutions engineer at Trava. A big part of what she does for the company is help our customers on their compliance journeys. She pretty much walks them step by step through the process, making sure all of their buckets are checked and to make sure that they're actually secure. After people have listened to the episode, I would love them to go to our website, travasecurity. com, to read up on some other helpful information about cybersecurity. The Tea on Cybersecurity will be launching fall of 2022. Follow wherever you get your podcast.
Cybersecurity—a word we hear all the time. Show of hands for those that actually understand what it means.
The Tea on Cybersecurity is here to help educate the newbs on what cybersecurity is, why it is important, and everything in between. The Tea on Cybersecurity is for everyone, but especially those small and medium sized businesses that are starting their journey in building a cyber risk management program. Each show is about 15 minutes long to deliver you with the facts and less fluff.