"How should I be thinking about cybersecurity?” Part 3
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Jim: Risk assessment, so you understand where the problems are, where the liabilities are, where the vulnerabilities are. All right? It's risk mitigation, which is putting together the plan to start to bring that level of risk down in an organized fashion. Then finally, it's risk transfer to take that residual risk and transfer it to cyber insurance. All three are equally important, and that's where Trava comes in. That's what Trava's all about. Trava offers risk assessment via our software platform for risk and vulnerability assessment. We offer the risk mitigation versus our VC, so insights. We help you move from where you are to where you need to be. Then finally, we offer risk transfer through cyber insurance. Not a sales presentation. That's my only slide about Trava. I promise. But that is what comprehensive cyber risk management looks like. Risk assessment, risk mitigation, risk transfer. I got on a roll and I didn't see if there were any questions, but questions?
Speaker 2: We had a question come in virtually, Jim. What is the biggest obstacle that small and medium sized businesses use for not investing in cyber preparedness?
Jim: The biggest obstacle that they face in not investing, I almost feel like it's... This is going to sound funny. I feel like it's negative inertia, is the best example that I can give you or the best way I can describe it. It's like they've gotten this far with doing nothing, and so it's difficult for them to take that first step, or they don't know how to take that first step. They don't know who to talk to. They don't know what the first question to ask, because it's like trying to do anything brand new that we haven't done before. Unless you take that first step towards it, that first step is always the most difficult. I really feel like that's it. In talking to the business owners I've talked to, once we start the conversation, it's like you can see the anxiety level go down. It's like," Oh, this isn't that difficult after all. Oh, that actually makes a lot of sense. Yes. Oh, I can see how that would be a good thing. I can see how that might help us." That type of thing. It's recognizing you have a problem, right, accepting the fact that it's a problem, and then being willing to do something about that problem.