Episode 28: Rethinking the Go-To-Market Strategy for Health & Wellness
Garrett: Welcome. Episode 28, the World's Greatest Marketing Show.
Brady: Is that a new title?
Garrett: It's one we've earned from no one.
Brady: Okay. Self- proclaimed.
Garrett: Yeah. Self-proclaimed. We're getting there. One of the core foundations of becoming the world's greatest podcast for marketing is you have to start coordinating jackets.
Brady: Different material, but same style. The bomber jacket.
Garrett: Oh, we get lunch to prep for this. Today, we ended up talking about other stuff, which defeated the purpose of lunch, but we had a great lunch.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Primary thing we walked away with was knowing that we look very much the same from above the waist up on today's show.
Brady: Yeah. It was fate because I almost changed to a lighter gray undershirt for some contrast.
Garrett: Oh. That would have been great. No.
Brady: Something about it, I stuck with the black.
Garrett: We wanted to go all black.
Brady: I knew it was going to happen.
Garrett: This happened to me the other night. I was going out with a buddy on Saturday. We were going to watch the Jon Jones UFC fight. I didn't even realize what he was wearing, because I don't look and pay attention. He was over at my house and I went and got changed. I put on, literally, the same thing. I walked out I was like...
Brady: Sub- conscious.
Garrett: "Oh yep, I got to change." It's your house. You got to be the one to change.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Then I've realized I mostly wear black, and white, and gray. He was wearing black and gray and I had a hardest time to find anything in my closet that was not black or gray...
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: ...or white.
Brady: Yeah. Mine's similar. I got some blues in there, but...
Garrett: Yeah. I have a little blue too. Well, maybe a little olive green.
Brady: That's about it. Yeah.
Garrett: Not much though.
Brady: Some pastel.
Garrett: Sometimes it gets a little soft. I'm not a huge... Do you like the people who look like they run 12 miles every day?
Brady: That's not my outfits, but...
Garrett: Yeah. You know what I'm talking about though, right? Yeah. I can't pull that off, but we got some good stuff to talk today on marketing.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Some good ads. Some big ads. Any updates for us on just day- to- day stuff, Brady?
Brady: Day- to- day stuff. Being very proactive with planning nephew's birthdays.
Garrett: Why are you planning the nephew's Birthdays?
Brady: Mostly my wife's sisters' kids, but...
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: We're building Mack from cars. The big truck that tows the cars. Not Mater, not the tow truck, but the flatbed truck. Anyway. She saw this thing where you build a Big Mack and then you take...
Garrett: On Legos I'm guessing.
Brady: No. I did it out of cardboard box. I built the frame and then she's doing all the paper around it and design.
Garrett: Got it.
Brady: Then you put a popup table behind it with a red tablecloth. It's like an 18 wheeler truck.
Garrett: That's for the birthday.
Brady: I'm building in the front. Yeah.
Garrett: It's a Carr's birthday party theme.
Brady: Yes.
Garrett: You are responsible for the primary asset.
Brady: Yeah. Last year we made him a big trash truck out of cardboard boxes.
Garrett: The homie likes trucks.
Brady: He loves trash trucks.
Garrett: Well, who doesn't?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: They're still dope. Watching it go up then the trash goes down and brings it back. It's great.
Brady: My parents are just laughing. They know me and my dad's like, " When's his birthday?" I'm like, " It's an over a month." That's my wife. That's why I love her.
Garrett: I like that. I can't wait to see the little crams running around.
Brady: Oh man. One of these days.
Garrett: One of these days.
Brady: One of these days.
Garrett: Did you... Last week we didn't talk about any of your findings for advertising. Do you want to maybe?
Brady: Yeah, you want to start there?
Garrett: Let's start there. Let's mix it up.
Brady: All right.
Garrett: What do you got for us?
Brady: This one is something that similar, I think last conversation when we talked about impression share, underutilized areas of accounts. This is a search account, again, but what we're showing here is a visualization of auction insights data. What that means is if you're in Google you're sharing your auctions. It's not just you showing up for your investments and keywords it's you and usually three other people at the top. Now, that Google has Infinity Scrolls or is a bottom set of ads, but it's weird and no one goes down there anyway. The point of looking at this is based on the concept that targeting the right terms is half the battle. In my mind, it's maybe only 20% of the battle.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: Where you really get performance is based on who and what you're being compared to. If that's where performance is on the landing page side of things and ad copy to an extent.
Garrett: You mean context is essentially what you're saying. At a high level, the context matters.
Brady: Yeah. I see a lot of performance changing in accounts and I see people diving everywhere to try to change it and the reality is the...
Garrett: In the tool.
Brady: ...auction changed.
Garrett: But, not on the SERP.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: They're living more on the tool than they're on the SERP.
Brady: This is, fortunately, a custom report in Google Ads. You can run this. I used to do it through a spreadsheet till I discovered it's built into the platform. It's a little hidden. A good example of that would be in our space, there's directories.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Right? Capterra, which for the sake of the screenshot actually took Capterra out, because it wasn't too popular. I do this visualization and I see that Capterra entered the auction. What Capterra does is it shows everyone who provides that solution.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: You can visit websites. When Capterra enters auctions you usually see your performance drop, because the end user now has a much better route than clicking through each ad to see each individual company. They just click on Capterra.
Garrett: It's one consolidated source.
Brady: They do like a top 10 list.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Outside of directories the goal here is to see who are you competing with most recently? This is impression share, but you can even look at who overlaps with you...
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: ...the most. Who's above you the most. Then from here you start auditing their landing pages versus yours.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: You ask yourself am I really the better option in this moment?
Garrett: Yeah. What did I tell you back in the day? If you were to click on three other websites and you had them open would you still choose you?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Right? That's always been my message to people.
Brady: As an agency, as a third party, I think, it's easier for us to do that. I think, a lot of people have the whole in- house brainwash.
Garrett: Yeah. Blinders. Yeah.
Brady: Why would you think that your platform isn't the best or your landing pages aren't the best.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: I think when you get into this data you can start being more realistic. In this example what we looked at was Verasant.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: They're that orange line on the right where they started aggressively entering the auction and overlapping with them a lot, as well. We looked at their landing page specifically and compared it. What we found when doing that analysis is they were almost identical. Even their positioning, they were both talking about empowering your team.
Garrett: Similar value props.
Brady: Same headline.
Garrett: Similar messaging.
Brady: Even same called action. Both demo without context. A lot of forum fields. Where social proof was listed they were not the same companies but at the same tier, so there wasn't much of different differentiator. That's what stood out the most was you are the same as who is showing right next to you, which the opportunity is to differentiate.
Garrett: I love that. Do you think on your social media you can, maybe, share a video of how someone could build this report?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Little screen share, maybe, we could send to the audience. I feel like the report's super valuable, but maybe people watching the show right now don't know how to build this report. Maybe we can...
Brady: Yeah. I'll probably do it in our account. I try to keep it anonymized.
Garrett: Yeah. No. Of course.
Brady: Doing the taking from proposals. Yeah. I can definitely walk through that.
Garrett: I feel like that'd be a great takeaway for the audience. I'd say one of the things I look at too here is I want to look at... I think, sometimes we look at things too much from our own perspective and not enough from our prospects. I think, it's where we make a lot of our mistakes as marketers and leaders. If you're doing a similar thing right now and you're looking... Essentially, you can still manually do this. Let's say you don't have the report yet from Brady, but you're looking here and you know what queries you spend the most on and what are most important to your business. Go search those keywords, search those queries on Google, and click on the other three ads that are next to you above the fold. Look for fundamental things. How fast do they say they are? How cheap do they say they are? How good do they say they are and why? What's their call to action? What are their value props? What's their brand messaging? Look at those things and be really honest with yourself and go, " If I knew nothing, zero information, and all the information I got about me or my competitors was consumed in this exact moment who would I pick and why?" If you can get really authentic and honest in that moment you're going to come up with a lot of ideas for how to improve your messaging, your marketing, articulating your value, including price, not including price, and really understanding what to communicate to your audience. We are always in a competitive environment. There are always other options that our consumers have. I think that's a really important takeaway. Brady.
Brady: You can even screenshot. I like screenshotting all the call to action buttons that I find and putting them into one image.
Garrett: A word cloud.
Brady: Yeah. A word cloud. Then you look at that and say, " Oh, are they all the same? Does one really stand out? Is that one mine or is it someone else's?"
Garrett: When you can do a call to action by count so that the word cloud... All the people doing request a demo that cloud's really big. Then the people doing like free trial was smaller, vice versa. It's a good way to start to understand is it easy to buy from me? To your point on the call to action, what's my sales process, and do I show price? Is my price cheaper? Am I expensive? If you are cheap, you can go this way. If you are expensive, you've got to go that way. There's a lot of takeaways. I think, first step is knowing. You can do this with all your channels. I think, the key takeaway at a high level, a macro level, for this is every channel that you're doing you're marketing or advertising in has its own competitors. There is no such thing as universal competitors. You have competitors per acquisition channel. Your competitors on Capterra might be wildly different than your competitors on G2, which might be wildly different than your competitors on Paid Search, which might be wildly different than your competitors on SEO, or YouTube, or conferences, and events...
Brady: Social campaigns.
Garrett: ...social, LinkedIn. Every competitor has their strengths and weaknesses and the channels that they do great on. Understand those and then be different and on all of them, not just try to be different universally and you'll get more channel level performance.
Brady: Definitely. Yeah. One more thing from this.
Garrett: Oo.
Brady: Before I forget.
Garrett: Oh Brady, a final thing.
Brady: It doesn't... You don't need to visualize it for this. You can look at the table view that's a lot more surface in the platform, but you always want to look at the domains that you're showing up with and ask yourself, " Do I actually compete with these people? Do I know who they are?"
Garrett: Especially if you're a consultant.
Brady: Yeah. Well, the reason why I say it is, because it's a good reflection of your targeting. If you look your auction insights and you start seeing domains where you tell yourself like, " Oh, they don't even do what I do or they're completely different." I always like to think the problems on us and we're in the wrong auctions versus assuming all these companies have terrible targeting and they're in the wrong spot. You do want to, when you look at auction insights you want to start seeing companies where you do compete against them.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: You can see why the market would go with them and not you. And you're both relevant. That's another way to use that tool.
Garrett: I love that. That's awesome. Well, has been huge today. Advertising jealousy. You got a good ad for us Brady?
Brady: I think so. It's not...
Garrett: A great ad.
Brady: Well it's a great ad, because I don't think the general population sees it as an ad.
Garrett: Oh, the Brady inaudible.
Brady: It's brilliant advertisement. I want to cover...
Garrett: You didn't fall for this ad though, right?
Brady: I've had Spotify for a while.
Garrett: Have you ever done one of these?
Brady: No. I look at it. I don't post it anywhere.
Garrett: You would never.
Brady: I would never. No, you couldn't catch me dead.
Garrett: Brady the Saint.
Brady: Yeah, I'm pretty bad with social media.
Garrett: Well, I mean that's not true.
Brady: I used used to be good.
Garrett: You're bad at social media the same way I am in the sense of that when you actually do your social media you're pretty good at it.
Brady: Yeah. I used to do photography. Right? I'm not like... I always feel a little guilty on anniversaries or my wife's birthday and stuff like that where I don't post anything.
Garrett: I got in trouble once for that, because I just posted the gift she gave me.
Brady: Oh.
Garrett: She got me a big Yeti.
Brady: You should not post anything. inaudible you never post that stuff.
Garrett: Yeah. I'm more of that style. I'm more private with my personal life and I'm more public with work and fishing.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: My kids and my wife, I don't post so much. I keep it on my camera roll for myself. Sometimes I do. One year I got this really big Yeti cooler and I was super excited about it. I posted a picture of happy anniversary to me. I probably should have posted some photos of the people who got me the gift on that one.
Brady: Yeah. I don't know.
Garrett: You live and you learn.
Brady: We're still learning. I did post when I proposed.
Garrett: Of course.
Brady: Fortunately, I handed my camera that I flew out to my wife's friend and it was on a beach in Maui during Sunset. It fit the landscape theme pretty well, so I posted that.
Garrett: Yeah. Was that your last post?
Brady: No.
Garrett: That's good.
Brady: That was my only post with me and her in it.
Garrett: You've been single ever since?
Brady: Yeah. No. It says that we proposed...
Garrett: I'm just-
Brady: ...and everything's happily ever after. I don't have in my bio married to whatever.
Garrett: I don't do that.
Brady: Yeah. No. I've never posted this on social media, but I see it posted a lot, which is what makes it brilliant. It's the Spotify Wrapped, which I think launched in 2017. Essentially, what is at the end of the year Spotify uses your data and they build vertical theme. It's shared on usually stories of the artists you listen to. This year they did moods and how moods changed throughout the day. This is just an example of if you want to check some of it out. This individual listened to a lot of K- pop, I think, was her top genre.
Garrett: Okay. Classic genre. One of my favorites.
Brady: For people who don't know what it is, which you probably do know what it is?
Garrett: Spotify Wrapped or K- pop?
Brady: Spotify Wrapped.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: K- pop is pretty popular.
Garrett: Yes. inaudible.
Brady: (singing) This is K-pop.
Garrett: Need more of this in my life.
Brady: Yeah. K- pop number one on Broadway. You could share that to your story.
Garrett: Yep.
Brady: These are some transitions. ( singing) Laid back, hardcore, energetic. That is an oxymoron.
Garrett: So is that.
Brady: Yeah. This was new this year, this whole mood thing. I didn't really dig it.
Garrett: No, not. ( singing)
Brady: This is Hamilton. That's why Broadway is number two.
Garrett: It is.
Brady: Yeah. ( singing) I believe so. ( singing) I'm uncultured back to K- Pop, I think. Top five songs, how many times you played it. ( singing) This is commonly shared your top songs.
Garrett: Imagining in this person's car though that'd be a heck of a surprise. Being honest. I driving my inaudible( singing) Add it to your library. Added.
Brady: Yeah. You can use it as a playlist. ( singing) Top 2%. ( singing) I think we get the gist. What they do is they take all your user data and they wrap it up for 2022 and they make it very shareable content. Then what people are inclined to do is often share this on their TikTok, or their Instagram, or Facebook.
Garrett: I think we've all, at some point, seen people share what they listen to and then wonder why they did, but then determine we also should.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Which is a unique part of it.
Brady: So it's a FOMO based advertisement.
Garrett: It really is.
Brady: There's a lot of memes. You know the Eric Andre, Let Me In meme.
Garrett: Is he with...
Brady: He is screaming, let me in.
Garrett: He's not very funny. Nor is he very attractive, but he's with what's her name?
Brady: I don't know.
Garrett: Did you see that?
Brady: Remember we're talking Eric Andre or Pete Davidson right now?
Garrett: Eric- No. Eric Andre is with Ratajkowski.
Brady: He's a comedian. That's a whole different...
Garrett: But, I don't think he's very funny. I heard him on a podcast and I was like...
Brady: He... His humor is...
Garrett: See I told you.
Brady: ...dark and...
Garrett: I saw this, which is crazy. I saw it, because they posted a photo and he was naked but chubby. Then she was in the background and that was how I found out about it. It went viral. My point being is I don't really have a point there to be honest. It's just...
Brady: It's a comedy world.
Garrett: That's why Eric Andre fact.
Brady: Bobby Lee, they're broken up now, but his ex- girlfriend's similar...
Garrett: Really.
Brady: ...dynamic.
Garrett: How'd that happen dynamic?
Brady: Yeah. I think it's a comedian thing.
Garrett: Funny guy. Funny works.
Brady: Yeah. Let Me In meme. Where we got on that was the Let Me In meme was a joke about people who are Apple Music people.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: When Spotify Wrapped comes out they get a lot of FOMO. That's why it's a good ad.
Garrett: I feel so good that I have no pressure to share my music with nobody, because I'm an Apple Music person. Not a Spotify person.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I feel they got to do something compete, because Spotify in that moment seems very large and Apple seems very small. I don't think... What's the listening share? Do you know?
Brady: The market share between...
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: ...Apple and Spotify. I don't know that, but...
Garrett: Can you find out for a second?
Brady: I was trying to find case studies around Spotify Wrapped and their downloads increase 21% when Wrapped is dropped, which is pretty massive given their current...
Garrett: Wait, who goes down 23%?
Brady: Spotify downloads increase 21% during...
Garrett: App downloads?
Brady: All...
Garrett: During that...
Brady: ... correlates toSpotify Wrapped.
Garrett: Understood. Okay. We do stuff for 10 cent. That's interesting. Okay. Spotify, they're saying it's 31. Apple's at 15. Yeah. In that moment, on those days, I feel left out. For sure.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I'm also glad that I don't feel any pressure that I should tell people what I listen to.
Brady: Yeah. For me, when I see them it makes me think, " Oh let me update my app, because I want to see mine for my own personal entertainment."
Garrett: I'm if Morgan Wall, and Drake, and Bad Bunny had a baby.
Brady: That was yours.
Garrett: That's my music style.
Brady: I think mine was Schoolboy Q...
Garrett: There it is there.
Brady: ...and Island reggae.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: Yeah. Little Kolohe Kai.
Garrett: Yes.
Brady: Bought tickets for September, I think.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Very good. Can't be too prepared for that concert.
Brady: No.
Garrett: He's getting them early, like it's K- pop.
Brady: My wife told me they dropped and she got them.
Garrett: I love it, dude. You're such a planner.
Brady: She is. For sure.
Garrett: It's so funny when I'm like, " Hey, you want to go fishing?" You're like, " I'm going to need a little bit more notice."
Brady: Yeah. I had to start telling you like,
Garrett: "Hey man, I'm going to be three months notice."
Brady: "At least a month in advance for a weekend spot."
Garrett: Never a weekend spot. I'm good last minute on lunches, but if I want to get a weekend...
Brady: I can do Monday lunches.
Garrett: Yeah. Monday lunches we've got. If I want a weekend I got to earn it.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Which is good. I think, last time I did get you out on the boat though. We planned it.
Brady: Yeah. It was.
Garrett: We had it all organized. It was a good time. I like the ad too. I don't know if that was an ad, so much as a concept. I love the concept from Spotify.
Brady: I think it's an ad.
Garrett: No, it is an ad.
Brady: It's product marketing, I guess.
Garrett: Yeah. It isn't an ad though. It's a campaign. It's marketing. What would you say you would do different if you were Spotify? Before we get off of it. Is there anything you'd want to improve about it? We seen Spotify Wrapped for five years now, to your point.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: What would you change? What's different? Is there anything that we can take away from that? Maybe, hope if we could apply to our own businesses or own marketing?
Brady: It would be cool if you could as a view... When it's shared, let's say you posted yours...
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: ...if I could then engage in that and add yours to my playlist. I'm not sure if that capability is in there.
Garrett: You probably could if your Apple Music, because you have direct integration to the iPhone. Right? Theoretically, it would be cool if you could download it directly one click download.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Maybe swipe up download.
Brady: I think you could, because it's posted on Instagram. Right? It would be more Instagram to Spotify than...
Garrett: Or share your playlist, maybe. I would like Spotify Wrapped to turn into a playlist that was shareable.
Brady: It is.
Garrett: Okay it is.
Brady: Well, I don't know if it's shareable, but...
Garrett: I'm not a Spotify user.
Brady: ... addto your library is the Wrapped playlist. Then I'm sure you could go in there and share it with someone. I'm saying when it's posted through social media...
Garrett: Yeah, that's what I'm referring to too.
Brady: ...allow people to click on your story and download.
Garrett: If I could swipe up to instant download on swipe up that would be dope.
Brady: Your playlist.
Garrett: Yeah. That's what I'm saying.
Brady: I could see... They're already trying to innovate, but that was my whole thing with the moods they were talking about. I felt that was a forced.
Garrett: It did feel forced. In the copy stuff.
Brady: New idea.
Garrett: I know a lot of buddies who aren't Spotify only because they don't curating their own music, but they following other people that are good at curating music. You know how you go into a friend's car and they always get a fire playlist.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: People like Spotify, because that person they can add that playlist to their life, and then that person can curate it all for them, and they can wake up like they have their own personal DJ.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Hear songs that are new and fresh. I'm a hardo with new music like that when it comes to rap and country. I don't really know the Latin scene that well, but I like it. Rap and country I always know the new artists. I always know the new songs. I used to be on Dap Piff and Limewire with all the mix tapes. I've always been a hip hop head for whatever reason. I always knew the mix tapes started dropping and I always had them early. People always would like, " Hey, can you burn me a CD of that?" I would do that. It's cool that Spotify does it. I don't feel like Apple Music, frankly... Apple Music does playlists really bad. It's hard to make your own...
Brady: Oh. Interesting.
Garrett: ...playlist on Apple Music. I don't have any of my own playlists.
Brady: Okay.
Garrett: I have albums auto saved. Then when I'm offshore fishing I can play the albums or they'll be like Artist Essentials. I could get... Essentially, they do a really good job of Greatest Hits, but that aren't greatest hits albums. I could download every Drake song, 150 Drake songs, but they're all curated as his best ones, let's say.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Or all of Drake's features. If you like, let's say, 21 Savage has a feature but not an album you can do that really well on Apple Music. It'll have all 21 Savage features, let's say. What it doesn't do super well is help you... It's harder to build playlists on there, in my opinion.
Brady: Okay.
Garrett: Than in Spotify.
Brady: Yeah. For Spotify I always use artist radio.
Garrett: Yeah. They have that too.
Brady: It's always updating.
Garrett: Yes.
Brady: That's how I listen to similar music and can hear new stuff.
Garrett: I'll do that in the genres category on Apple. In the hiphop genre, they'll have a bunch of different playlists they curate, but they're not your friends you're finding on Apple Music easily and then just listening to their playlists. It's not MySpace where it used to be simple like that.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I feel Spotify more has a little bit of MySpace in it while Apple Music doesn't.
Brady: Yeah. Playlists are an industry in themselves on Spotify. I talk to someone at Spotify and I guess you shouldn't be monetizing it, but people are.
Garrett: Really.
Brady: The owners of Rap Caviar or something's...
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: ... avery popular rap playlist. They could be getting paid to be the number one song for the first week or so.
Garrett: That's what I do with my Alexa. Alexa, the Amazon product doesn't do Apple Music. I have a Spotify account, so that I can integrate it to my voice enabled devices.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: But, if people get cheeky and rappers will come up with songs called Rap Caviar. When I go, " Okay, Google play Rap Caviar it ends up being..." I got to be like...
Brady: There you go.
Garrett: "Okay, Google play the playlist Rap Caviar."
Brady: Rap caviar.
Garrett: Some dude was hitting me with this crappy song called Rap Caviar. I was like, " Dang bro. That's cheeky."
Brady: That's funny.
Garrett: Yeah. People are doing all sorts of stuff.
Brady: Yeah, there's a new maybe last thing on this. They dropped a DJ beta on Spotify. I saw it on Complex, announced it on their Instagram. I tested it last night and I was really excited. It's an AI DJ you turn it on and...
Garrett: Is as bad as everything else that's AI right now?
Brady: Yeah. This might be feedback for Spotify. I have an idea on how to make it better.
Garrett: Yeah. Spotify CEO...
Brady: If you're listening...
Garrett: ... as one of our11 viewers, please focus right now.
Brady: I have a contact over there now, so I've been talking to people. What it does is it's essentially a playlist of your interests and you can explore new music, but it's an AI who talks to you almost like a radio DJ. Then he plays a song, and a few more songs, and then he'll break it.
Garrett: Why are we assuming this DJ...?
Brady: It had a male voice and he introduced himself as Andre.
Garrett: All right. I'm just asking Brady.
Brady: Yeah. No, he was a guy DJ. It played songs, but it didn't do transitions. What I thought it was going to be was use all my data, play songs that I'm interested in, genres I'm interested in, throw some new artists who are similar in there. I thought it was going to start mixing the songs.
Garrett: Like a DJ.
Brady: Actually do transitions and maybe only play a minute, a minute a half.
Garrett: Well, if you were at the club and all of a sudden it does this hard switch between Bad Bunny straight to Morgan Wallen with a blend.
Brady: That's what I'm saying.
Garrett: That's what you want.
Brady: That's what I thought it was going to be. I was excited.
Garrett: Instead you got a crappy version of the Breakfast Club.
Brady: It was an AI voice that then played songs and then he... I mean it was cool. He would say, he would talk about a new Nicki Minaj song, and he would give some background to the song, and then he would play it.
Garrett: This next song comes from Nicki Minaj as she was on her third album getting ready to tour Africa.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Wa Wa.
Brady: Not even the Wa Wa.
Garrett: Oh. No Wa Wa.
Brady: Just a voice.
Garrett: Oh.
Brady: I was bummed. I thought it was going to be a mix and using AI to transition songs. It knows the beats per minute of the next song. It could blend it together, it could do something decent there. I thought that was a miss. It's in beta still, so maybe that's the next phase of it. I was getting pretty excited and I was disappointed.
Garrett: That is disappointing.
Brady: Spotify Wrapped is cool. I like it.
Garrett: It's very cool. I think it's a great campaign.
Brady: It grows them.
Garrett: Works every year. All right. Should we do mine?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Big fan of Pocahontas. No, it does have Pocahontas vibes. Doesn't it?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: This is really cool. What I wanted to do that was a little different today for us was show us... This is something I'm working on at Directive is more the power of storytelling evoking emotion. It's a 30 second spot as you can see. It's a storytelling ad. I thought they did a really good job, so let's take a look.
Speaker 3: Dear Alice, this place is yours now. It's a handful, but look after it and it'll feed you forever. Remember, a business is only as good as its people, so treat them well. Our job is to plant seeds so our grandkids get to enjoy the fruit, because how we eat today feeds tomorrow.
Brady: Very magic school bus vibes.
Garrett: Yeah. With the bus that flies away.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: What I wanted to do here was show really what I think motion graphics works, animation, and all those things can do if we take a more storytelling route on that. I think one of the healthy ways they go... You go over to the Chobani account. Will you click on that logo. You can hit pause. I think what's interesting... Oh, let's watch this actually hit Chobani has oat milk. I want to show you the two different types of ads. I think, sometimes we don't give enough context of where everything fits. If that makes sense. Watch this.
Speaker 4: Chobani has oat milk.
Speaker 5: Oh yeah. They make oat milk now. Oat milk's like everywhere.
Speaker 6: It's creamy, it's bedazzled.
Speaker 7: Celebrate with it.
Speaker 8: Oh. Chobani inaudible.
Speaker 9: foreign language oat milk.
Speaker 10: Snow drive.
Speaker 4: Huh? Must have missed that.
Garrett: Those ads, while they're great, I don't know if they're impactful as the other ad when done correctly. That one doesn't make me want oat milk. It doesn't make me Chobani. When you think about Chobani... This is where I think it's interesting. I think, it's hard to do product based advertising when you're a conglomerate or a platform. I know I struggle with it. It's really hard to advertise our design offering at Directive when we do customer generation and it's a piece of the overarching thing. It's very hard to do that. I think, it's hard for Chobani to advertise oat milk when they also do yogurt. You get what I'm saying? When they have a whole product suite. Look at that. They're not doing just oat milk. That's almost milk. If you keep scrolling they've got Greek yogurt.
Brady: They can't lean in on being anti dairy...
Garrett: Then they've got the made with
Brady: ... to pitchtheir oat milk.
Garrett: No.
Brady: The majority of their products are dairy.
Garrett: Correct. I find that part really interesting. Now, conversely, if I was Chobani, I would want people to fall in love with my brand, so that I could essentially introduce more and more products to my raving customers to get them to essentially buy whatever I put out, because they're fans of Chobani. Like a band. Like bands don't want you to be songs of one album or fans of one song. They want you to be be fans of the band, so you buy every album, every song, every sweatshirt, every swag, all those pieces. If I'm Chobani I want you to fall in love with the brand, so you buy whatever product we put out. If I'm directive I want you to fall in love with the brand, so you buy any service we put out. You see what I'm saying?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I think that's a fundamental shift we haven't really talked about at a macro level of what we're trying to do with our customers, and with our audience, with our prospects. That's to become raving fans of our brand. Not just purchasers of our products. Does that make sense?
Brady: Yeah. I felt like the oat milk ad had that with them saying, " Chobani has this now."
Garrett: Yeah. No. They're doing a good job trying to become it.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: That's why I wanted to use them as the example, but, I think, because the order you saw the ads too. You even Chobani a little bit more, because the other one makes you feel good.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: It's like a legacy story.
Brady: I'm not a huge yogurt fan, but...
Garrett: Never.
Brady: Froyo, which we've talked about. I do like, but yogurt...
Garrett: Not Greek yogurt.
Brady: Texture wise not...
Garrett: You don't like Greek yogurt with a little bit of raspberry or blueberry and a little granola in there. Never.
Brady: Heavy on granola to make it crunchy.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Improve the texture.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Definitely. Just yogurt, I've never...
Garrett: What about caught a cheese? Is that what you draw the line.
Brady: Oh, no.
Garrett: Yeah. My dad will eat cottage cheese.
Brady: My dad loved it too.
Garrett: No bro.
Brady: Right out of the container.
Garrett: It's like a cholesterol thing. I think as we get older. You and I are going to have to like it too.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I hope not.
Brady: I don't know. I've never understood it.
Garrett: It's like pomegranate... Or... Nope. Not pomegranate. Grapefruit and cottage cheese a lot of people eat to fix their cholesterol, I think.
Brady: Yeah. Grapefruit. I also. My sister loved grapefruit growing up.
Garrett: Very bitter.
Brady: Even with some sugar on it. I'm like, " What? This is torture."
Garrett: It's a certain thing.
Brady: Doesn't taste ripe yet.
Garrett: Yeah. That's the ads man. I would say from an advertising jealousy standpoint, I love the animation and that heartfelt connection with your inner child. In my head I'm like man, " How do we do brand advertising for directive that articulates our message and our values in such a way that people want to be associated with directive." Chobani's is making me want to be associated with them more than anything.
Brady: Yeah. What did you get from it? Was it around sustainability within making their products and preserving the earth for future generations? Was it the health of their products?
Garrett: Yeah. Go to the videos, because I think there's a longer version of it that I saw too, but it was different. If I can find it. That's Eat Today, Feed Tomorrow. Let me see. Did they do more?
Brady: They showed the harvesting using the robots and stuff.
Garrett: Well, I saw a longer version of the ad that didn't have their product on it. It was a rebranded ad, which was very weird. I'm not seeing it on here. For me, it was more about what a better world looks like when... Oh, Mother of the earth an impact story. Let's try that one. Maybe that's...
Speaker 11: The mothers of the earth...
Garrett: inaudible
Speaker 11: ... willtell you that real magic comes from food, because all food is a gift given from one being to another. The act of giving, like magic, changes everything. This is a story about food. The mothers of the Earth will tell you that Earth itself needs our magic. It needs the hope that magic gives to overlook places and underserved people, because this kind of magic the mothers know is a very magic that makes a home, a home and a family, a family. When people have lost their homes, lost their families, or given everything they once had that is when giving and magic are needed the most. You may ask after so much given what do you have left? The mother's eyes will sparkle, " It's not what for you is left, they'll say, but what for earth is right?"
Garrett: Yeah. I have no clue, but I love it.
Brady: Yeah. My favorite was the underserved people. All the kids on the field when they opened it and it was glowing. I thought that was cool, because they used that animation to show the perception on a cup of yogurt depending on who is seeing it.
Garrett: It's funny, because they sell yogurt, but they're changing the world. I actually believe it.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: To your question of why do I like it I don't know. I'm not used to...
Brady: I was thinking where did that lid go? Did she throw it on the ground? She peeled out that lid.
Garrett: This is why I can't take Brady anywhere.
Brady: She recycled the cup and it's still just plastic. What's the recycling plant doing with it?
Garrett: I can't take my co- host anywhere. Look, this is what I'm trying to say. Are you listening to Mumford and Sons and Zach Bryan all day on here, Scarlet?
Scarlet: Maybe Zach Bryan, but definitely not Mumford and Son.
Garrett: You've been listening...
Brady: You've listened to the whole thing.
Garrett: ...to the whole thing.
Brady: You completed a 5 minute and 31 second live version.
Scarlet: Sometimes I play music.
Garrett: I just saw the sidewalk. Here's what I would say is they make me fall in love with the values that they represent. I think, that's the way you build a brand. Steve Jobs has talked about a thousand times. I think, he's right and I think we all struggle to pull it off, but somehow a yogurt brand is.
Brady: Yeah. I think, they're differentiating from the 90s Yoplait this is processed food, but it's what we got.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Kind of branding.
Garrett: To the earth has a soul and/or it's byproduct almost and it's clever. It's working. It works on me. I would now buy Chobani over some other yogurt brand on an aisle, because I'd feel better about it. I don't know why. I think, that's the craziest part about emotion is it's sometimes hard to put your finger on the feeling that an ad evokes, but you did feel something.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I don't know why it works and what the heck they're talking about at all, but it works.
Brady: Yeah. I like the colors. It seems fresh.
Garrett: Yeah. I don't know. It makes me a fan of Chobani. I wish I had something more articulate, but it's such an abstract concept. That's a perfect example of you want to make someone feel something about your brand, I guess, the takeaways are anchor yourself to some macro level values like the Earth. That's a macro level value. Helping others, that's a macro level value. Doing the right thing for for nothing in return, that's a macro value. Those are all the things they're injecting into that. At the end of it's buy our yogurt. That's way more powerful. It's like who do you want to be as a person? Do you want to be a person who represents these values? If yes, by Chobani to me is very clever psychological marketing and advertising.
Brady: Yeah. And aligning with people who feel like they're just always giving.
Garrett: I think, that's all of us.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: If you can find things that we all feel, but that are altruistic, that are intrinsically good you're going to probably have a brand advertisement that compels. Now, Chobani, if you'd like us to promote this video, so it has more than 4, 400 views. Hello? I love the campaign.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Well, Brady, what should we market today?
Brady: A topic that I should probably focus on more.
Garrett: Yeah. I think so.
Brady: Health, and wellness, and making it accessible.
Garrett: Oh, I thought you meant what we were going to talk about.
Brady: Well, I meant the topic we're going to talk about.
Garrett: Yeah. You and I, literally, go to lunch to prep for the podcast and never use the lunch to prep. What is wrong with us?
Brady: I don't know.
Garrett: You know how we've...
Brady: We've done it a couple times, maybe.
Garrett: Okay. We're on our 28th episode.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: We've done lunch 28 times. We've talked about the podcast, which is the point of the lunch two times.
Brady: Yeah. It shows it's good to connect.
Garrett: Yeah. Great to hang out. Catch up with the homies.
Brady: We're talking about work too. We're not just...
Garrett: Well...
Brady: ...avoiding it.
Garrett: ...do you remember when we built this company all we did was lunch. It was great. I think... How many lunches do you think we did back in the day before COVID ruined the the world?
Brady: Ahh.
Garrett: Probably four times a week at least.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I don't know. Five.
Brady: Probably in the eight hundreds. Seven hundreds.
Garrett: It's a lot of lunches. Now, you have to hire people, get to know them, and manage them without any lunches, and you just get to see Zoom. I'm serious.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: It sucks. It's the worst.
Brady: Even car like carpooling.
Garrett: Yep. Little rides.
Brady: I used to live with coworkers and I would carpool to work every day...
Garrett: Walks...
Brady: Back in the day.
Garrett: ...after lunch. Maybe, a little ping pong, or foos, or table tennis.
Brady: Ride a bike to work. That was healthy.
Garrett: You did that for a week. Let's not get into it.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Come on.
Brady: It was a little stint. Then how did he COVID hit?
Garrett: Did you go a whole week even? How many rides did you even do?
Brady: I used to be into it, because I the... I forget the app name.
Garrett: Oh. Strava.
Brady: Strava.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: That was fun. Strava gave you all your riding data.
Garrett: It was you and Max. Right? Then he bought one with a motor. I don't think that counts.
Brady: Yeah. He didn't buy that when we were living together. It would give you... There were certain areas of the trail where it would track records.
Garrett: Oh.
Brady: There was one uphill after work. I would just...
Garrett: Dang. Kind of like the inaudible
Brady: ... build up thespeed.
Garrett: ... butfor bike riding.
Brady: I made it top 10 for the week for the uphill climb ones. The data part of it was cool.
Garrett: No, I love that. Well, today we're going to talk about fitness to fix it and health. Health and wellness. This is coming also from, I think, a little bit of pain that I've had. Scarlet, I know you've had some pain around this. I think, everyone tuning into the show has had pain around this. Anytime you get or need help when it comes to your health there's two things there's eyes are a doctor who does not go nearly... I watched House. You ever seen House?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: The show?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I thought doctors were like House. They actually cared. Took the time to figure it out and could really diagnose you.
Brady: No. They're humans with personal opinions. That are very smart.
Garrett: They play the hits. Maybe, I don't have the best. My guys got top reviews on Yelp. I've been with him, I think, for six, seven years. I've never met him in person. I go to the physician's assistant. It's either time, water, antibiotic. Then if I ask for anything else in between it's we need time. Let's wait and see. That is it.
Brady: Yeah. No. I have doctors in my family and so it's eye- opening.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Before that I would always think doctors are superheroes. They all know exactly what's right. Then I hear my family talk about doctors...
Garrett: Bro, they got a good inaudible.
Brady: ... they are like, "Don'tyou ever go to that person. Don't trust that person."
Garrett: Yup.
Brady: They said this was completely wrong. I'm like, " Oh shoot."
Garrett: Yeah. Okay. That's a little context where this come from.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Then the other context is the non- MD doctors all they want to do is put you on a recurring billing plan and charge you as much money as possible. It's this caveat of one group is helping you transactionally to make money and then the other group is helping you on a recurring basis, but also to make money without any real authenticity.
Brady: Yeah. What... Unpack non- MD doctor a bit.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Are we talking shamans and crystals? What?
Garrett: No, I'm talking a Nutritionist.
Brady: Okay.
Garrett: I wanted to get a panel done. I've got a lot going with the company. I got three kids under three. I don't want to be getting sick. I want to have better health. I'm trying to focus on my health. Essentially, instead of me having one consolidated person who can help me with my health I have to build a team. Everyone on that team has different opinions.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: They all want me on a monthly plan and they all probably don't have to do... For example, you go to a Nutritionist they won't give you the vitamins they recommend without you buying a six- month package. You spend a thousand dollars on an assessment, you learn... They tell you what your body's good or bad with, but then they don't give you the solution unless you pay for all their plan. That feels manipulative and you should have told me that before I ever went down this whole process. I'm not going to pay you six grand. I was good with the one grand. Then I can check in once a year, once a quarter, once every six. No, they want to check in with you every week. Two times... It's like when you go to a Chiropractor and they're like, " Well none of this sticks. You got to come in five times a week." It feels much more about the money than actually fixing my back.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Do you get what I'm saying?
Brady: I'm sure for some people they need the accountability, but I don't think it should be required.
Garrett: That's how it feels with all these people.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Okay. What I'm proposing today for Market This is a 23andMe, like a Roman, or a Hims, any of these E- doctors. Where, imagine, someone like me, someone like yourself who's like, " You know what, I want to take my health a little bit more serious. Doing my annual physical and going to the traditional doctor feels very reactive. I want something that's more proactive. I want to be better informed on what I'm putting in my body, how I'm exercising, where my vitamins deficiencies are, what some of my genetic parents have struggled with and their parents have struggled with that I could avoid." Imagine if in a perfect world, Brady, you could get your blood drawn send it to this company and they can give you a plan for all of it. Centralized. Health plan from mental, emotional, physical, nutritional and we could have an actual plan for every person who wanted it for X amount of month. I'd still charge monthly, but you'd have quarterly check- ins on your blood work and you would have it all consolidated into one place. What do you think?
Brady: Yeah. Blood work, obviously, height, weight, the things you can easily access. Yeah.
Garrett: Medical history, family history. Is that, can you do a mouth swab? Do genetics do. I think you can do mouth via...
Brady: Yeah, I think so.
Garrett: You do mouth swab and blood work. You genetic test, because you could see also in your genetics what you're like susceptible towards.
Brady: Yeah. My cousin, she's actually at UCI right now post- grad for genetic counseling, so we can bring her on board.
Garrett: Yeah. She's first hire. Then, I think, if we had a tech, a Oura Ring. I think, you're wearing one too or no.
Brady: I need to charge it.
Garrett: Ah. I got you on the charger. Oura's dope, but it's like, " Yo, stop being so stressed or hey, go sleep more." It's feel interconnected. Imagine if you could track all your stats, you had blood work, and then we could send you the vitamins, we could propose you a workout plan, we could propose you nutrition guides. You had all of that from one place and it was a health platform. Health and wellness platform. Then you could have a monthly check- in on Zoom. Then you could do quarterly blood work to keep you on track. How much would you pay for something like that?
Brady: Non insurance...
Garrett: Monthly? Yeah. No insurance.
Brady: Monthly. Out of pocket.
Garrett: Monthly out of pocket.
Brady: I think, base costs a hundred a month.
Garrett: Yeah. I would say I'd pay 75 to a hundred bucks a month too.
Brady: I think, where you can make the money is, especially, on the nutrition side of things, like a recommended marketplace.
Garrett: I think we could upsell them. " Oh, you want more help on your physical health? We can get you a trainer." Or" Oh, you want more help on nutrition? We could..." I think, there's a lot of upsells. I think, most of us don't have a foundational understanding of how our bodies perform. I know some women will have a zinc deficiency, other women will have this, men will be low on testosterone, or all these things and they have no clue, because they've never even got their blood work done. That's not a thing a lot of family doctors from what I've seen do proactively. It's not a lot of blood panels and stuff.
Brady: Yeah. My wife's a nurse and so when I went last time for blood work she wrote down...
Garrett: Extra stuff.
Brady: ...all the tests that...
Garrett: Correct.
Brady: ... she wantedto see and I gave her the paperwork. I'm like, " Hey, these are my results."
Garrett: Yeah. People don't know that. Right?
Brady: Yeah. My doctor wasn't... He was actually like, " Oh, you probably don't need this one. I usually wouldn't do that till you're 40 or..."
Garrett: Correct. It's very reactive, not preventative.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: What I would say is for people who want to perform better... I feel health and wellness is such a thing right now. To your point, we have partnerships. We have partnerships with Oura, partnerships with Fitbit, partnership with Apple Watch. We can have our own app. I think, there's so many ways to do it. I think if you had a centralized place where it's you sign up, we send you your health kit as part of your signup, you get blood work in a swab. You go to Quest Diagnostics or some Lab corp, you get your blood work done and then you do the mouth swab. You send us the mouth swab back, you get your blood work done at a place. Then within what one week we send you your results with a full plan. I bet you could take all the different types of blood types, all the types you normally see and we could probably standardize packages. " Hey, when we see this and we prescribe this. When we see this and we prescribe that." then we have people like nurses who do monthly check ins, " How are you doing with this? Are you following the nutrition? How have you... Have you felt like this is working for you?" If people are like, " Look, I can't get the meals right." " Well, we do have a meal prep package. Would you like us to do meal prep for you? Then we have three different meal types based off of your current blood work and where you're at. Would one of these three options work for you?" I feel people would definitely pay a hundred dollars base and then I don't think it'd be that hard to get them into a couple hundred dollars a month to help them with what they need in their life.
Brady: Yeah. I think, I like the integration to watches or the rings, because then it could be adaptive.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: The blood work you don't do every single month even, but if you have an Apple Watch, a Fitbit, an Oura Ring it could actually be reading into your activity and recommending changes. Like, " Hey, you didn't deserve the Cheez- its."
Garrett: No.
Brady: "Youhaven't worked out in a week. You're not burning burning calories. That can't be..."
Garrett: "You're only getting six hours of sleep. You only did 3000 steps and we need you at 5, 000 steps." I do think there's enough accountability in the tech now where you can see that.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I feel like that'd super powerful to have someone helping you with that. What do you guys think.
Brady: Or something.
Scarlet: Yeah. I agree. I think even having tiers. If you want to meet with someone once a month...
Garrett: Like a inaudible. Yeah.
Scarlet: ...to hold you accountable pay. I would pay 175 to 200 a month.
Garrett: Yeah.
Scarlet: To have someone that does it all instead of having to go to three different doctors and then paying$ 500 for a consultation.
Garrett: It's a nightmare. Right?
Speaker 13: Nightmare.
Garrett: Then how much of the actual doctors that you really want these days even take insurance?
Scarlet: Oh, right now two out of the three doctors I see don't take my insurance.
Garrett: Especially, if you have specialized. I have Hashimoto's, which is a thyroid disease. I have to live off of an energy pill, essentially, I take every morning. That lady who manages my thyroid levels for me now does not take insurance. That's pretty standard.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: The more... If you have a specialized need, even the best dentist, like cosmetic dentistry, that's a specialized, they're not taking it as much. You want to see a specialized anything. When I tore my Achilles the only person who had an anti- gravity walking thing that I needed for my recovery didn't take insurance. It's like they get specialized and then they cut out the insurance middleman and that's their game. For this, is there anything, Brady, how do we advertise it? Right? Do we want to go the EKG ads we used to do for Cartia?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Do we want to go that style or do we want it to be more like Hims style? Let's look at a couple. Can we maybe pull up a YouTube?
Brady: Yeah. What's Forward doing?
Garrett: Who's forward?
Brady: Forward is the new age doctor. There's one at Fashion Island. It's a Bay Area based company.
Garrett: We got One Medical that's like that. Have you seen One Medical?
Brady: Yeah. No.
Garrett: One Medical is like bougie doctor, but it's still doc work. Okay. I don't think that's this.
Brady: I think it's that one. Let's move Forward. Here's a product.
Garrett: The wellness seekers. Yeah. The ones who don't accept that they're here. Click on that one right there. The big blue circle in front of you.
Forward: Hi, I'm Forward.
Health Insurance: And I'm Health Insurance.
Forward: Oh, watch out. You almost fell into that huge hole.
Health Insurance: Why did you stop me?
Forward: So you wouldn't get hurt.
Health Insurance: Sweet summer child. That's not how healthcare works.
Forward: It's not.
Health Insurance: No. Look, I know you've got some wide- eyed, fancy ideas about how this is.
Forward: Oh.
Health Insurance: Yeah. Supposed to go, but there's a certain way we do things.
Forward: Okay.
Health Insurance: Step one, fall into a hole. Step two, make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. Step three, sign up for six months of physical therapy. Step 27, you pay$15, 000 and continue to walk with a limp for the rest of your life.
Forward: Why not avoid the hole in the first place, preventive care? Save you from dealing with all that pain later. Cancer, heart disease, holes.
Health Insurance: I wholeheartedly disagree.
Speaker 16: For preventive care. Switch to a long- term doctor today.
Garrett: See? So that's great doctor. I would like a long- term doctor, but it's also... I don't know if it's the centralized version of what we want with health, wellness...
Brady: They're brick and mortars. They have a lot of scanning machinery.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: I think is their...
Garrett: Which would be great too. Preventative scanning would be great. Right?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I think, that's my point. Is something more like this where, but I want it to be more Roman. Can you go to Roman on theirs? I want to see how they haven't seen a lot of their latest ads. I know they have the swipes and stuff to last longer in bed or whatever they're doing, but click Roman Health, maybe. There you go. Yeah. That's Fox New's version of it. Maybe do Hims. Roman Health. Let's see. Get Roman. Oh, there you go. Go to their website and then we'll go to their YouTube from their website. Cool. This is all men's needs, but you can order online. This would be more my model I'd want to follow. If that makes sense. You could order it all online, it could all be digital, but then you send it to us and then you hop online with us. I feel that's more what people want. I don't really want to go to the doctor's office.
Brady: Yeah. I was even thinking it being almost like an AI assistant where, because there's so much data in tracking your activity. I want it to tell me, " Brady, if you burn X amount of calories in the next few days I'll let you eat a Big Mac. I'll put that in the acceptable..."
Garrett: Diet.
Brady: "...diet."
Garrett: Yeah, I think that that could work too. Will we go to the bottom, so I can see their YouTube account? I like that though, Brady. Little reward program almost. I want to see if they have any, over here, YouTube on social or anything. Any social accounts. No. inaudible Contact or... Interesting.
Brady: I don't know if you could... It's got to be hassle- free, but something you could do is whether you're snacking or eating your meal I know there's technology where you can take a picture of it, and it recognizes what you're eating, and can just import it straight into...
Garrett: Yeah. That could be in our app.
Brady: In your health data.
Garrett: There's definitely tools like that. Yeah. Will you go to Hims then, for me? Another version of the same thing. I'm trying to do this instead of just for men, just for overall health. If that makes sense. Personalized doctor back treatment plan. See how it's like that? We could do that though through initial scanning and things. I want to see how they do their advertising. Click on the far left on their, I guess, TikTok is the new forms. Let's see what they do on TikTok. Yeah. They do. They show a lot of... I would say more on brand things for them. If that makes sense, but less of what I'm looking for. Yeah. See...
Brady: They're doing hair loss journey. It's just influencer based.
Garrett: Do Hims ad YouTube. I want to see if I can just see more like this somewhat.
Brady: I mean most of their stuff is user- generated content.
Garrett: Yeah. Let's see this real quick.
Speaker 17: Whether you're looking to support your mental health, perform you used to, or regrow your hair Hims can help. Through Hims you can get access to trusted treatments from licensed medical providers, 100% online. Get started today at forhims. com.
Garrett: It'd be, I feel, an ad like that. I feel like if we hit people like that with an ad that was super quick and concise, but also showed our value people would be on board with this concept. I think, it'd be huge.
Brady: Yeah. I like the genetic counseling side of it too.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: I think, that's relatable. I think, a lot of people have a hard time committing to preventative health.
Garrett: Well, they don't want to be honest about what they're probably...
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: If your mom and dad both have cancer, I got bad news for you. You probably are going to have cancer.
Brady: A lot of people don't want to think that way.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: They have the it can never happen to me mentality.
Garrett: Yeah. If you were to be on a preventative thing and quickly identify it before it progressed, maybe, you could actually defeat cancer and change your genetics.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I think, that could be powerful messaging. Know your future, change it advertising. Know the past, change the future. Things like that where I think we could actually help people. That's what gets me really passionate about this kind of stuff, when we do these little ideas, it's, " Man, I wish someone would do this, because right now I have to have a Nutritionist. You'd have to have a therapist, you'd have to have a physical trainer, you'd have to have a doctor. You would have to have..." Probably even more than that. Chiropractor... To build a health team like you're a professional athlete, but instead, let's say, you're an executive or a normal person. It is really hard to sustain your level of performance when your health goes bad. Mental, physical, emotional, nutritional. People's productivity, the nation's productivity, and obesity, and health, and a lot of our core issues are directly connected to each other. I think, the better we can do as a nation, and as a country, and as a globe to actually help people help themselves in a way that's convenient and affordable changes everything.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I don't think insurance... Insurance is broken, man. I think, you have to figure out how to deliver this not via insurance, at an affordable rate, under a hundred dollars a month where people can get some type of foundational, proactive health support in their life. I sure as heck don't have it myself.
Brady: Yeah. A lot of it's on you. That's a crazy thing. The doctor has no magic trick. They can tell you what to do, but it's on...
Garrett: They're reactive. If you don't have symptoms they don't have a solution. That's the entire game. " What do you have? I will diagnose you based on what you have and I'll prescribe you antibiotics for 10 days. Oh, it keeps happening. You're going to have to see an ENT the specialist for that." They send you the specialist and then when the specialist sees you they'll be like, " Well, I don't see anything right now. Maybe, we schedule a follow- up appointment six to eight weeks from now." What does that do for anybody?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: That is, literally, the system. That right there is my exact life. Oh, I'm sick right now. I don't. I'll give you an antibiotic. Oh, you're better. I have nothing for you. Oh, you're sick again. Here's the antibiotic. Oh, you're sick again. Go to the specialist. Oh, you're not currently sick. I can't see you. Wait eight weeks. You're not sick. Wait another eight weeks. Oh, you're sick again. Try antibiotics. Now you're on this cycle, but no one ever stops and goes, " Is it mold in your house? Is it genetics from your parents? Is it diet related? Is it nutrition related? Is it sleep related? Is it environment related? Why does this keep happening?" There is not really a lot of depth around this. I think, almost every person I've ever met in my life has some type of chronic thing that keeps occurring for them or when they get sick... For me, if I get sick, I get a sinus infection.
Brady: Yeah. For me, my sinuses are... I think I have large sinuses, so if I get a virus up there I'm out.
Garrett: Now, I'm learning that dairy doesn't help me with fighting that back.
Brady: No.
Garrett: Nor does gluten.
Brady: Thickens the mucus.
Garrett: Yeah. I'm learning... Wait. There are proactive ways to avoid it, but now I'm 31 years old and I've been dealing with this for my entire life.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: There isn't really information out there. Imagine for$7, 500 a month, I knew all that about myself and then someone would check in with me to see how I'm progressing. Obviously, I could cancel and still know. I think, some people, especially lately, these days, are really taking, especially younger generations, are taking their health seriously...
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: ...for the first time. We're living longer, but I don't know if we're living better lives. I think, we're just delivering longer lives. I don't know if that's always the same.
Brady: Yeah. Even almost like a social media feed where they know who you are. Therefore, they curate content that you could scroll through that's health related. I've seen some really cool stuff on Instagram Reels.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Like clearing your sinuses. I had one guy, he was like, " You pull your nose this way while you pull your face that way, and you look over, and you do a breathing exercise, and it clears your...
Garrett: Did it work?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: That's crazy. Yeah.
Brady: I wasn't that sick when I tried it, because I just saw the video and I had a stuffy nose. Even knowing the milk thickens mucus, so avoid that when that's all through social media, for me. If that can be curated.
Garrett: If we get to preventive. Right? That's still reactive. If we get to preventive by looking at people's blood works and their genetics, telling them like, " If you do these things, you'll be less likely to be injured, less likely to be unhealthy, you'll have a stronger immune system." Give them some basic vitamins to take. A lot of people do not know anything about vitamins other than vitamin C. They take vitamin C, Airborne, or Emergen-C. That's their understanding of vitamins. There's actually a lot more to it. I'm not an expert, but I know there's more to it. I know that there's nowhere to know. This isn't a class that we take in high school is it?
Brady: Oh. We took health class.
Garrett: That's not a nutrition class.
Brady: We watched... What was that show or the documentary Supersize Me.
Garrett: Yep.
Brady: I remember watching that...
Garrett: McDonald's is bad.
Brady: ...in high school health. We all got went to McDonald's after that class.
Garrett: I love it.
Brady: That was typical high school.
Garrett: The structural mechanics of the business, it's recurring, it's online only, it's a one- stop shop.
Brady: Yeah. I think there should be an AI layer. I'm thinking...
Garrett: Get that AI in there so we can raise funding.
Brady: Even doing a 360 video of yourself AI could learn a lot about your body. For me, I'm working on posture.
Garrett: Ooh.
Brady: Right.
Garrett: Me too.
Brady: If I had a 360 video or even a couple photos of front angle, side angle, it would know your resting posture is really bad.
Garrett: Why are you working posture? You've been checking yourself out on these clips or something?
Brady: No. It's my wife saying you could be two inches taller if you wanted to.
Garrett: I always dreamed about dating a guy who's 6' 2."
Brady: I love my hunch. I think my hunch is really good for my golf swing.
Garrett: Hey, having a hunch is never a bad thing.
Brady: Yeah. Anyway, so she sent me this video of a guy on Instagram and he's doing...
Garrett: Elongating himself. Or stretching himself on a boards.
Brady: Yeah. He's doing this crazy thing where he raises his hands and then throws him down and goes on his tippy toes. She's like, "You need to do this every day."
Garrett: Oh. Did you could send back some funny videos too on that one.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: No. I love it. Let's market this. I think, that's a healthy way to do it. I think, we would distribute it on radio, connected TV...
Brady: Social media, I think.
Garrett: ...streaming, social media...
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: ...influencers. Getting some... If we could find any influencers with autoimmune diseases or things like, I remember the commercial we said from the Super Bowl with the Jonas brother. People like that.
Brady: Oh, the... What was that? Why am I blanking on...? Diabetes.
Garrett: Diabetes. Yeah. People like that who have certain... I would say we could identify certain illnesses that our service helps most and then find famous people who struggle with that and have them become spokespeople. I think, there's a lot we could do to really grow this product. I think, people need it. Want it.
Brady: Especially, in our culture...
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: ...in America. I think, it's easy to find people that could improve their health in some way, shape, or form and fight, I guess,
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: ...the society around us with everything approved here to eat and consume.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: I think, everyone needs help.
Garrett: I love it. Well, that's another show, that's another episode. As always like, subscribe, leave five stars, tell all your friends, family, people you don't know.
Brady: Comment, review.
Garrett: Yep. Those things too. Thanks everybody.
Brady: See you next week.
On this episode, hosts Garrett Mehrguth and Brady Cramm recreate the go-to-market strategy for the health & wellness space.