Episode 35: BBDO Warns Against AI & What Is The"Chad" Marketer.

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This is a podcast episode titled, Episode 35: BBDO Warns Against AI & What Is The"Chad" Marketer.. The summary for this episode is: <p>On this episode, hosts Garrett Mehrguth and Brady Cramm talk about BBDO's warning against AI and the concept of the "Chad" marketer.</p>

Speaker 1: Episode 35.

Brady: I'm glad you knew it.

Speaker 1: Is it? Yeah, Peter. There we go, baby. Episode 35, the dream team. We're back in office. You're looking awfully tan.

Brady: Yeah, mahalo.

Speaker 1: Mahalo.

Brady: I actually didn't get too tan. I realized-

Speaker 1: inaudible

Brady: Yeah. I used to be really bad at sunscreen, so I would come back super- tan after a trip like that. But I'm very good with sunscreen now. No burns, a little bit of a tan.

Speaker 1: Golf?

Brady: Golf tan is definitely there.

Speaker 1: Oh, you do have a little bit of that-

Brady: Yeah, a little.

Speaker 1: ... forward is alittle lighter. Yeah. Oh.

Brady: But I tanned the tummy. I tanned the back a little bit. I got out there.

Speaker 1: Okay. You took that bad boy out for a spin.

Brady: But definitely most hours in the sun were on the golf course.

Speaker 1: And you played well?

Brady: Played well. Improved the handicap each round, all three rounds. That's usually my goal when I play, is just shoot a score that's added to my handicap.

Speaker 1: That would mean for all of our, since this is a golf podcast. That would mean that those three rounds were one of your best last 20 rounds.

Brady: Yeah. They take eight of your best rounds in the last 20 rounds-

Speaker 1: That was one of your best eight?

Brady: ...to then calculate your handicap. Yeah.

Speaker 1: Wow.

Brady: Three of those rounds are now in my handicap.

Speaker 1: One of them was an 89 Brady. What does that say about your game lately, dude?

Brady: 89 wasn't great but shot an 83-

Speaker 1: Oh, you did indeed?

Brady: ...at Kapalua Plantation course.

Speaker 1: What was the last time you broke 80?

Brady: I've only broken 80 once.

Speaker 1: Me too.

Brady: Shot in the 30's a couple times on nine. Almost did that on the back nine at the Plantation course.

Speaker 1: I've only shot in the 70's once too. Yeah. I felt like I was God.

Brady: Getting a single digit handicap again would be the goal. And I'm 11. 5 now, so it's closer than I thought it would be.

Speaker 1: Hey, bro. If you keep up this vacation schedule, you'll be there in no time.

Brady: Yeah, I think when I head back in August.

Speaker 1: Are you going the same?

Brady: No, I'm going to Oahu. But I still have big island rounds in my handicap I notice. That just means I'm not playing enough. That was last November. That was-

Speaker 1: You got to get out there.

Brady: ... halfa year ago.

Speaker 1: You're not taking enough vacation. That's the real problem.

Brady: Going back in August.

Speaker 1: And the Plantation course is obviously a top course in the country, in the world, right?

Brady: Yeah. It's a tour course. Some champions tour is there.

Speaker 1: Oh wow. Okay.

Brady: So they had all those photos and they redid the lunch place. It's called the Plantation House, which my family's gone to a lot. And my mom was like, " Oh, this is completely different." They completely flipped it.

Speaker 1: In a good way?

Brady: Yeah, in a great way. I guess it was disgusting. It was like red carpet all stain. Just vintage interior which surprised me only three years ago it looked like that.

Speaker 1: Could we argue that all this, everything has to be new school is ruining the world? I follow these architecture accounts where everything is like beau- ... What happened to cathedrals? You know what I mean? I was also thinking about that the other day. Who pays for these things? Maybe this is just me. This is what I think about. But I hate when we take down beautiful architecture and we replace it with just shiplap, just basic.

Brady: Yeah. It was done well. It was definitely modern, but it was-

Speaker 1: Which, I understand. I appreciate. But wouldn't it be nice to walk in somewhere that had vintage done right? I would love to go to someone's home. Scarlet, you probably know this. I think these are dope. Maybe you don't, but you've got good taste. The depressed, 1970's, 1960's living rooms that had the below ground seating.

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Do you know what I'm talking about?

Brady: The pit?

Speaker 1: The pit.

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Those are sick. Imagine going to someone's house right now and if it was all nice that? That's what I'm saying. Nobody remodels to the past. They only remodels to the future.

Brady: Yeah. Costa Mesa you'll find some one- story houses like the mid- century modern. The herringbone. Do you like that design on hardwood?

Speaker 1: What's herringbone? Sorry, I'm not that technical.

Brady: It's like-

Speaker 1: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I do like that. Yeah. The layering. It's like layered.

Brady: It's pretty cool. That's vintage.

Speaker 1: Do you like those?

Scarlet: Yeah. My old couch was a low 1970's huge couch from like YouTube.

Speaker 1: Sick. Let's see. Like you were saying, 1970's is back, Brady. Maybe we'll get some. Were they talking pits? Was that what they were called?

Brady: I don't know what they were called, but I know it exactly-

Speaker 1: They were. There were talking pits.

Brady: I think it was 1960's.

Peter: Yeah, they were like conversation pits.

Speaker 1: Conversation pits. Imagine talking to people again. That'd be wild.

Brady: Where does the 80 inch TV go in the conversation pit?

Speaker 1: Oh my gosh. That's why. inaudible.

Brady: Yeah, that was a good trip.

Speaker 1: I love it. What the hell are you wearing Brady?

Brady: I told you.

Speaker 1: Bro. You didn't bring those to the pod.

Brady: Yeah. My shoes are even pretty dirty anyway. Got Yoshi hanging out. My Yoshijima. I almost got you a pair. There was a Croc store in the Whaler's Village in Maui.

Speaker 1: Due, that would've been an all time-

Brady: It's too expensive though. They were like-

Speaker 1: You're bringing out for two weeks because I haven't earned it. You're bringing back all these-

Brady: No, we didn't go-

Brady: We

Brady: didn't go to the store. I saw it though. I was laughing. What if I brought back a pair of Crocs?

Speaker 1: Oh, dude. That would be an all time moment. Socks with them too, huh?

Brady: Yeah. I don't need them. Look at.

Speaker 1: You got those things in sport mode too, like we talked about?

Brady: Fuzzy, fuzzy inside.

Speaker 1: Let me see those bad boys. Let me see those things.

Brady: A lot of grass.

Speaker 1: They're surprisingly light. Good amount of poop. Let me see. You have the grass in there too. Yeah. These are your very much like my grandpa-

Brady: Backyard.

Speaker 1: Yep. Like the slide-

Brady: Take out the trash.

Speaker 1: Yep. Take out the trash. And then do you keep them in comfort or sport?

Brady: Comfort. But I went up the stairs so I locked them.

Speaker 1: Dude, the logo.

Brady: Locked them in.

Speaker 1: Dude, it looks like this alligator got high. That's what this logo looks like. Have you ever seen this thing? Look at this guy. He looks like he's a little buzzed.

Brady: Well he's dizzy from the going into sport mode.

Speaker 1: Dude, these are pretty epic.

Brady: Not bad, huh?

Speaker 1: Didn't ever think. I mean this podcast is casual. It's real casual. Oh, the Crocs. I love it. Have you ever noticed our clips that the social team puts out? They never get our actual takes. They just have us watching. We got to figure out a better way. We're about to do advertising jealousy.

Brady: Okay.

Speaker 1: I don't know what we got to do, but it just looks like our faces, it's people watching us watching ad. We got to change up our clips. Because I was looking at it, I'm like, there's got to be a better way to show this segment.

Brady: Yeah, I thought about it. I don't know if it's like, obviously we know the full context.

Speaker 1: And no one else does.

Brady: Right. I always try to think if I wasn't the person recording this episode and I saw this clip, would it make sense? It usually does. I just try to hold myself back like am I overthinking it? Because I know a 30- minute conversation about this-

Speaker 1: But it feel like a splice up. Because here's my point. We have a lot of opinions on the video that never get into the clip.

Brady: And we can take something like 15 minutes after and plug it in there and just really-

Speaker 1: Not that I'm saying anything live, but if our producers wanted to change it up, the clip style. I was trying to watch them, Scarlet and I was just like, it's just me going like to an ad. But then none of our insights around why we liked the ad or not.

Brady: Yeah. It's just my RBF the whole time.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it is. We were just looking at it. Exactly. So in the future, let's clip up our opinions with the ad. Does that make sense to everybody?

Scarlet: Yeah, I can do that.

Speaker 1: I think we can make it both.

Brady: Get me smiling or something. It might just not happen.

Speaker 1: I don't know. I think we get so intent because we're watching it and then the camera is just us watching like this.

Brady: Yeah, I realize I have the upside down Elon Musk smile.

Speaker 1: It's our fault. I mean we're the content. What I'm saying is like, yo, you all work to make us look like we're good at this.

Brady: Here. Just take that.

Speaker 1: Use this. Or we can use that clip too right there. Yeah. And get some clips. Oh my goodness. Well-

Brady: Hopefully this one makes you smile.

Speaker 1: I feel like it will.

Brady: Do you know this commercial? It's been in the hopper for a while.

Speaker 1: Honestly, one of my greatest fears is shipping my pants. I am very excited to watch this.

Brady: This is back during like e- commerce was way too scary for Kmart and that's why they're out of business.

Speaker 1: Yeah. No one would buy online.

Brady: This is probably pre Walmart going full e- com. Not full e- com, but offering full e- com.

Speaker 1: Imagine being the bad version of Walmart.

Brady: Was it?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Brady: Was Kmart lower than Walmart?

Speaker 1: Yes.

Brady: Or was it in between Walmart and Target?

Speaker 1: No. They were like the Payless of Payless. Scarlet, explain it.

Scarlet: Santa Barbara inaudible only had a K- Mart. And it was the worst thing in the world.

Speaker 1: Okay, so you know how when you leave Walmart and then you go to a Target, you're like, " Wow, Target's way better?"

Brady: Mm- hmm.

Speaker 1: Kmart makes you appreciate Walmart.

Brady: I don't remember it like that.

Speaker 1: You've been to Big Lots and had to fight for your life just to try to find out where anything was in a row, an aisle?

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: I think Kmart was more organized than Big Lots. Big Lots to me is still crazy. Have you ever been in one of those stores?

Brady: Not in a long time.

Speaker 1: Are they around still? Are they alive?

Scarlet: I like Big Lots.

Speaker 1: Everybody likes Big Lots. But you know what I'm talking about, right?

Scarlet: Yeah.

Speaker 1: It's like National Treasure going in there just to try to find the item you're looking for.

Brady: It's like an overstock store, right?

Scarlet: Yeah.

Brady: I don't think they-

Speaker 1: But it's entirely disorganized. Like to me-

Brady: They just throw things.

Speaker 1: Everything's everywhere. Nothing's in its proper place. They're like, it could be aisle 12, 14, 16 or 17. Just look. And you're like-

Brady: Yeah, Goodwill does a better job.

Speaker 1: I know, because I grew up going to Big Lots. That's where my mom got me all my stuff was Big Lots. And now I go back in there and I'm just like, this place is chaos.

Brady: I went to Kmart and I had no issues.

Speaker 1: You really grew up going to Kmart?

Brady: I mean, I'm sure Kmart, Walmart, Target, we hit them all.

Speaker 1: Okay. Kohl's to me is like bad Macy's. You get what I'm saying? Kohl's is underneath Macy's. To me, Kmart's underneath Walmart.

Brady: Okay. Yeah. Kohl's is weird.

Speaker 1: Kohl's is weird.

Brady: We went in there. They have an Amazon return?

Speaker 1: Yeah. inaudible-

Brady: I went in there for the first time in I think ever. It seems like a normal store. Just why do we never go?

Speaker 1: Kohl's is a place that you get a random gift card for of your birthdays from your aunt that you never see and she gets you Kohl's Cash and that's where you go is Kohl's.

Brady: Sounds cool, Kohl's Cash?

Speaker 1: Yeah. Kohl's Cash. That's what they call it. I know because I've got some-

Brady: You have an aunt.

Speaker 1: Who doesn't? All right, so let me ship my pants. Let me see this thing.

Speaker 5: You ship my pants? Right here? Ship my pants, you're kidding. You're going to ship your pants.

Speaker 6: Right here.

Speaker 5: You hear that? I can ship my pants for free.

Speaker 7: Wow. I just may ship my pants.

Speaker 5: Yeah, ship your pants. Billy, you can ship your pants too.

Billy: I can't wait to ship my pants, Dad.

Speaker 1: Yeah, he's just a kid.

Speaker 10: I just shipped my pants. It's very convenient.

Speaker 11: Very convenient.

Speaker 12: I just shipped my drawers.

Speaker 13: I just shipped my nighty.

Speaker 14: I just shipped my bed.

Speaker 15: If you can't find what you're looking for in store, we'll find it at kmart. com right now and ship it to you for free.

Brady: So this is when they were going down.

Speaker 1: I don't get it.

Brady: They had to innovate. I thought it was a good last ditch effort by Kmart. I still remember this commercial when it was live, always made me laugh. But this is-

Speaker 1: Your Mom would be like, " That's not funny Brady."

Brady: This is in the Bud Light wassup category of advertisement.

Speaker 1: We're really old. I thought 10 years ago you were with your mom.

Brady: Huh? No, I was-

Speaker 1: Oh, my God.

Speaker 1: Dude,

Speaker 1: we got older. Okay, but keep going. Sorry, that was my bad.

Brady: Yeah, I don't know when this aired because this is all, this is under a funny commercial channel. I was trying to-

Speaker 1: First comment, " This should have single handedly saved camera Kmart." Nothing could save Kmart.

Brady: Yeah, but I like the ad. We just don't see it like this anymore. This would crush Super Bowl ad, at least in my opinion. It's actually funny.

Speaker 1: Oh, it is actually funny. I love the kid. The kid made me laugh because he-

Brady: I like the grandparents the, " It's so convenient."

Speaker 1: Because you already figure they kind of are, so it makes you even funnier. Yeah, I do like the comment though, " The group hug at the end made no sense." Let's watch the group hug, because I agree, what a weird ending. So does this whole ship my pants thing, the whole time.

Speaker 15: For free-

Speaker 1: Why are they hugging? And that poor little kid puts his head in his belly.

Brady: Yeah, the hug's weird. But at least he gave clarity and a call to action, right? Because-

Speaker 1: Oh, because everybody shipped their pants is maybe that way he's giving them a hug? I wonder what that is for.

Brady: Yeah, they're all happy. He saved the day because they didn't have their size and they were going to ship it.

Speaker 1: They were using hashtags 10 years ago? Yeah, I would guess so.

Brady: Yeah, Instagram was-

Speaker 1: Yeah. It was big. I remember my first post-

Brady: Came out freshman year of college.

Speaker 1: My first post is making me look like I'm like a liberal arts major. Just like random artistic photos that make no sense with three hashtags

Brady: I used to get up on-

Speaker 1: You know what I'm talking about Peter? Four likes just crushing it on Instagram. Same performance.

Brady: When the explorer page was just one page, I think it was 16 to 20 something tiles. That was the explorer page. That was what I was doing. It was just trying to get the algorithm to feature my photo.

Speaker 1: Yo, by the way, when are you going to ever post something? Not that you're in marketing and run a podcast, but are you ever going to-

Brady: On my Instagram?

Speaker 1: Yeah. I mean your Instagram is dead, bro. Because Myra was like, " Did you see the pic?" I always forget.

Brady: I mean, Lindsay posts everything.

Speaker 1: I know.

Brady: She's all about. So I take photos-

Speaker 1: Everybody knows my entire life too because of my wife and-

Brady: Yeah. I take photos and videos for her now and she posts it. Every now and then I'll post on Reddit, but I don't post on my Instagram.

Speaker 1: What's your handle?

Brady: I can't say.

Speaker 1: On Reddit?

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: You keep it-

Brady: It's anonymous.

Speaker 1: I see that's cool.

Brady: No, people could figure it out. I don't even know what it is.

Speaker 1: Is it BradyTakesAnotherPhoto?

Brady: It's some scientific calculation of light speed. I forget what I did.

Speaker 1: You're so inaudible.

Brady: Anyway. But Reddit's cool. When I went to Portland last year, I took a photo of a tree in the Japanese garden. So I posted it on r/ Portland and r/ trippy because it was kind of psychedelic the way the branches were. And it blows up on Reddit. It does well. But it's not the quality that I would post on my Instagram. I don't take my camera anymore and the iPhone just doesn't do it.

Speaker 1: Really?

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Okay, so as a hardo in the camera space, you still need the-

Brady: Yes.

Speaker 1: Okay. I like the ad, Brady. I liked it. I mean, what's not to like? It's such a likable ad. I don't really have any critique of it. I don't understand the group hug.

Brady: Yeah, the group hug is weird. I never really pointed that out until we saw the comment.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I noticed that.

Brady: It was funny.

Speaker 1: Well, I did notice it, but I didn't think it was as weird as it is now that I'm watching it.

Brady: Yeah. Then he gave the clarity. But this was back when it's like-

Speaker 1: Is there any value prop for shipping it? Other than that?

Brady: It's just if they don't have it in the store. So it's for people in Kmart, they can't find what they need. It's saying their associates will look it up online and ship it to you so you don't feel like you wasted your time.

Speaker 1: I don't think that's what they're saying. No, no, no, I thought you could go online.

Brady: Run the back.

Speaker 1: No, no, no. I don't think that's what they're saying. Not the whole ad.

Speaker 15: If you can't find what you're looking for in store, we'll find it @ kmart. com right now and ship it to you for free.

Brady: So it's saying we'll find it. So it's like the associates in the store look it up for you and then ship it to you. But their whole thing is you're in the store, they don't have it. You can still get it shipped to you.

Speaker 1: What is a stupid concept. No wonder they went out of business.

Brady: This is like pre everyone's on Amazon.

Speaker 1: Come on. 10 years ago?

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: I know, but they didn't embrace it is all I'm trying to explain. You could see they're so about going into their ... I guess they have to because they have the-

Brady: That was the myth though. It wasn't like a full e- com push like Walmart did. They adapted Amazon well. They did this weird hybrid call to action.

Speaker 1: That's what I'm trying to explain. That's why they died.

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Because you still have that massive commercial like footprint and then poor probably shopping experience. Can you go to kmart. com? Are they still? Let's go see if this exists.

Brady: I don't know.

Speaker 1: I just want to see.

Brady: Whoa.

Speaker 1: You're alive? Their e- commerce still sucks though.

Brady: They're running ads.

Speaker 1: Is that an ad?

Brady: Yeah, they're making money.

Speaker 1: They're running an ad for Jude Hospital? Would you like a camper or a kid dying from cancer? Kmart. That is weird.

Brady: Yeah, it's weird they have an ad network. There is another GDN ad at the bottom.

Speaker 1: I don't mind an ad network if the concept... Smarty. They put GDN on their freaking Kmart site?

Brady: At least it's not a Walmart ad.

Speaker 1: What are we talking about? They could be though.

Brady: They could be. No, you can exclude the category. Oh, Subaru.

Speaker 1: What is going on? So using Cridio to just run irrelevant ads. What a crazy concept.

Brady: I mean, Scarlet recently bought a car-

Speaker 1: Off of Kmart. But no, I think you can advertise. I think people do advertise now on these places, just so you have a note. You can advertise on Walmart. Okay, so go to Walmart. I want to show this real quick.

Brady: Can we click a link real quick? I just want to see if this is full affiliate. Just click any product.

Speaker 1: Because it says sold by. No, you got to click the, click it there. Yeah.

Brady: Okay. You can buy it through Kmart.

Speaker 1: Sears, dude, this is the craziest. What is going on?

Brady: So they're full online now?

Speaker 1: I have no idea. Okay, let's see. This is wild.

Brady: Nothing.

Speaker 1: Oh, I bet you got to be in Oklahoma or something. Dude, go up. Make it more miles.

Brady: That's the cap.

Speaker 1: Go back to Google. They had something there for a second, Scarlet. How many Kmarts are opening in Calif-? No, there's no more. Huh? Well this is interesting. Go to Walmart. I want to show you guys the ads. So like Walmart, you can run ads now. If you sell your product at Walmart, you can actually advertise on Walmart.

Brady: Oh, like an Amazon ad?

Speaker 1: Yeah, exactly. So that's a big thing now.

Brady: That's cool.

Speaker 1: Go to, I don't know, click any of these. Why do all these websites still look like magazines? It's like they never got rid of big box style. Yeah. And then I think if you go up, I think some of these are ads. I don't know how it all works yet because we're not in the e- commerce space, but you can advertise on Walmart your own products now.

Brady: Interesting.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Okay. Well I love the ad man. I don't know what happened to Kmart and I think it's a weird concept 10 years ago to be like, we'll order it online for you. But hey, what do I know?

Brady: Yeah. I think it's initially why I didn't show it is because they're out of business since they-

Speaker 1: Well they're in business maybe?

Brady: Well yeah, I guess they're in business.

Speaker 1: I don't know.

Brady: I was like, ah, this is a failing company. I'm not too jealous of that. But I do love the ad.

Speaker 1: It's amazing ad. I love it. But-

Brady: Little more of a miss on the business model.

Speaker 1: Oh no! Lost an ice cube. I love the kid. I love the kid. I thought the kid was great. Okay. Okay, so I'm not just some weirdo who copies Brady's ideas where he finds people who went viral on TikTok in the baseball sub niche. But-

Brady: I'll take credit. I'll take credit.

Speaker 1: ...I did find someone accidentally through this other person. I don't even think I follow Jimmy who shared this. Any time I see something I like, I just bookmark it and save it for the show. Essentially it appears to be, I didn't actually do a ton of research on these guys, so we'll do more on the show. I want to keep it live. But these guys sell tape for bats and their product is sick.

Brady: Interesting.

Speaker 1: Now look how cool this is. Ready? See how it says product is the marketing. This is the perfect example of a product being perfect for what they do. It's called Stick Grip. Watch this.

Brady: Dang.

Speaker 1: And it comes out-

Speaker 16: It actually it feels immaculate.

Brady: Do they normally do hockey grips? Because I've seen maybe this for hockey.

Speaker 1: Let's see. Stick Grip. Let's go check them out. Let's go to their website.

Brady: That was awesome though.

Speaker 1: Isn't that sick? I know. I'm like, man, that makes your marketing. Well it says bat grip right there, but oh, they got pickle ball too. Let's go.

Brady: Yeah, lacrosse, pickle ball.

Speaker 1: So like-

Brady: They do hockey, but I don't know if these are the same ones I've seen.

Speaker 1: Yeah, go to product, go to baseball. Let's see if it is, because that doesn't look like what we just saw, does it?

Brady: I think it might be.

Speaker 1: Oh no, it is?

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Oh, my.

Brady: I didn't notice that detail.

Speaker 1: No. I missed that. No offense guys. Dude. Yeah. Because I never had grip like that. I love what they call it Ultra- Sonic Polymer. What a name, bro. I don't know what the Ultra-Sonic is-

Brady: That's a home run grip if I've ever heard one.

Speaker 1: Thanks, Brady.

Brady: What are they dingers? Is that-

Speaker 1: Dingers.

Brady: ...a baseball term?

Speaker 1: Yeah, baby. This thing's sick. How to. Can I watch the how to because that's I think where you get to see the cool product stuff. Very top, Scarlet in the menu. Yeah. Simply zip, slip, re- grip. Okay. Dang. Dude, that thing comes out clean. Can you take it off? Oh see what? Can we see this one? Let's watch the video.

Brady: Bike handle. That's pretty cool.

Speaker 1: Let's see. Oh, that's a cool little. That's such a cool product design. All right, that's good. That's sick.

Brady: It's a lot of wasted plastic. I just came back from swimming with the turtles-

Speaker 1: Yeah, you did.

Speaker 1: You're a big turtle swimmer. Dude,

Speaker 1: it's pretty epic. Now go to the TikTok.

Brady: That's a really cool product.

Speaker 1: Stick Grip TikTok. I think they get millions of views on every single one of these. Yeah. How did he make one for finger? That's good. See what I mean? They're good at this.

Brady: I mean it could be some type of medical application. I know that was more of a joke, but like a finger splint.

Speaker 1: Oh, maybe this guy's gripping his hand for the game. When we gripped our hand on live. See that? And you can do the motorcycle handles. That's pretty sick.

Brady: Fishing rod.

Speaker 1: Yeah. You could definitely re- grip a fishing rod with that for sure. They got millions of views though, 3. 2 million. 2.3 million.

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: It's a pretty cool product. I love it. Yeah, man. So that was my advertising moment.

Brady: That was really cool.

Speaker 1: It wasn't really anything other than the fact that I wanted to call out making your product intrinsically marketable definitely helps with your marketing.

Brady: I mean it's a home run, pun intended. Just because the application is entertaining. It's almost in the ASMR category.

Speaker 1: It is. You feel weirdly productive watching other people apply it. You just feel good. You're like, " Wow, that did need some grip. Thank God they gripped that." You know what I mean?

Brady: It's just entertaining to just watch the process.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it is the most mundane, boring thing that is somehow exhilarating.

Brady: And re- gripping is like tedious. I remember hockey sticks.

Speaker 1: Oh, it's the worst.

Brady: You did it because it's awesome when it's fresh, but to actually do it, you have to take off the old grip.

Speaker 1: Then you used to have to twist it and remember when you twist it to essentially twist some of the tape so you could roll it essentially? You know how it has those lines to get the depth on it? Or you'd have to apply string or yarn and try to get it to tape it. Taping things is a thing. Not now.

Brady: I wonder how long it lasts for?

Speaker 1: It's Stick Grip. I bet you it lasts a while. It's rubber, plastic.

Brady: Rubber. Yeah, but it still probably wears out and you just buy new ones.

Speaker 1: Ultra- Sonic.

Brady: Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 1: That is some crazy branding. What the heck does-

Brady: Ultra- Sonic.

Speaker 1: Ultra- Sonic have to do with the grip? That's Ultra- Sonic Polymer is such a great name. Trademarked because they're the first people. Look at that though. The yellow thing that just rolls it. You can just sit there and watch the videos on replay. I'm jealous. I guess marketing doesn't work like that does it?

Brady: Not always.

Speaker 1: Wouldn't it be nice? It's the-

Brady: It's a modern infomercial when I see all these.

Speaker 1: Yeah, oh yeah. It's totally the current infomercial. But we don't have the video. Go to the yellow one.

Brady: Did you just realize what it is?

Speaker 1: I realized how they filmed it.

Brady: They're-

Speaker 1: Lacrosse.

Brady: They're reenacting a circumcision I believe is the joke.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Snip, snip.

Speaker 16: Snip, snip.

Speaker 1: But you got millions of view on all these things. And it works. I'm like, all right, this is good marketing. I wonder. That's what I was saying. It's so hard when the product works like this, everybody's like, " Well yeah, my product can't do that." So what could someone who doesn't have something this viral learn from it? Because to me it only works because the product is this. And maybe that is what you learn from it is you can't manipulate. Product marketing's easier if the product markets itself.

Brady: Yeah, I mean HubSpot ads I've seen similar to this where they set up an office scene and someone needs to know the metrics and the person using HubSpot yells across the cubicle, " Oh, it was this." That's technically showing how good the HubSpot product is at finding metrics. Anyone can do it. It's just not as straightforward and obvious as some of these consumer goods.

Speaker 1: If I hear what you're saying is all these software companies keep doing motion graphic type ads, but they probably need to do some kind of live action type stuff.

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Because we just did the live action video for Calendly. I'm super proud of that and I thought we crushed it. But it totally humanized Calendly's product. Brought it to life and made Calendly more understandable outside of a consumer scheduling tool, but how it works for a corporation, for B2B. And it was epic, the video. Our video team crushed it. But I think that's the difference. That was our first live action video for SaaS because they all want to do motion graphics. They all want to do animation, but nobody wanted to do live action it felt like for while here.

Brady: Yeah. Outside of a testimonial.

Speaker 1: Correct. But the live action is the real brand storytelling. We got to do some live action for Directive. That would be sick. Like a whole live action campaign series of ads.

Brady: Yeah. I guess you could do almost TV style.

Speaker 1: Like Winter. They do those.

Brady: Who?

Speaker 1: Winter.

Brady: Oh yeah.

Speaker 1: Sorry, what were you saying?

Brady: I was just saying because the difference even with the Calendly is like this is the actual product live.

Speaker 1: Correct.

Brady: It could be some type of reality TV type production where you can storm into an office, crazy Monday, and then showing how the product's being used.

Speaker 1: One of my big ideas for growing Directive was always pitch a Netflix series called. Call it Agency.

Brady: Like the Agency.

Speaker 1: Call it Agency Life. I feel like people would watch a show on agency life. Now you'd have to get everybody back in office so that you could get the drama.

Brady: Yeah. You could do some type of work from home.

Speaker 1: Yeah, some remote show. I'm trying to think of like-

Brady: A TV crew just joins you for a day at home.

Speaker 1: Like Undercover Boss style. But people have done that over the years, so I don't know. That was just one of my ideas.

Brady: That'd be pretty funny. " Honey, it's time for your three- hour lunch." " I don't take three hour lunches. What are you talking about?"

Speaker 1: "Honey? Are you going to still go play pickle ball at 2: 00 PM today?"

Brady: "Don't you usually golf by now it's 2: 00 PM?"

Speaker 1: "You don't ever work Tuesday's, Gerald." There'd just be snitching on everybody. I love it.

Brady: Yeah, let's not do that.

Speaker 1: All right, well let's hit some of our topics. All right, so first topic, BBDO, big baby digital operators. Do you know what BBDO stands for?

Brady: No.

Speaker 1: Can you look that up for me real quick, Scarlet? I was just curious, BBDO, Barton, Durstine& Osborn. Wow. Goes back to 1928. These guys have been around, bro? All right. So they've been around and it's essentially, they sent out a memo email, it's a fancy word for email when you get to be a big corporation. That it's not to use generative AI tools for client work. The primary reason is they don't want tools such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Dall- e sounds like I'm about to go to Pitbull concert to create new content from publicly collected data. Because there's this little thing called indemnification and legal. And so at BBDO, essentially they don't know what happens with copyright and ownership. Does BBDO own the work created for their clients on ChatGPT? Or do their clients own the work or does somebody else on Chat? I had never paused to think about. I don't think I'm big enough to worry about this. But if you're big enough to worry about this, essentially they can use AI tools for everything we've always used it for. But to actually have the AI write it or do it and call it a client deliverable and then the client treats that as an owned asset, the question is do they actually own the asset? What do you think about that, Brady?

Brady: Yeah, I think it's good for just general PR too for them to say that, right? Because they probably charge a pretty penny and with all the AI coming out and everyone's saying, " Oh, you can write emails, ad copy using AI." Maybe their clients are even thinking like, " Oh, am I paying for someone else to write a prompt when I could be doing it?"

Speaker 1: I disagree with that because you hire agencies to be on the cutting edge.

Brady: True.

Speaker 1: Most agencies see AI is free bookings.

Brady: Efficiency and-

Speaker 1: No more bookings. What they do when the new stuff like this comes across, they'll go to their customers and say, " We've developed a new." They'll do a workshop for you, everything you need to know about AI. And then they'll have five different AI pitches of where they can use AI to automate your business or improve efficiencies, all these things. Like AI coming out is billions in bookings for McKinsey, if that makes sense. But I do hear what you're saying around the perspective issue. I'm just saying agencies historically make billions of dollars when new technology is rolled out because customers don't have a point of view on it. They don't want to see them uneducated on it. And they want to make sure when they're board asks what they're doing with AI, they have an answer. They'll go to McKinsey and say, " Hey, how can we use AI to transform FedEx?" And then McKenzie bills them$ 2 billion to write a script or whatever it is. Now, this is a little different. If you go down a little bit here, I thought this was really interesting. " They're encouraged to explore these new tools in internal sandbox environments and multidisciplinary group of people from agencies," blah, blah, blah. " Was created to explore the future use." I love that. In other words, they've got a meeting every Wednesday for 20 minutes where they talk about AI with 20 different people in the agency. But if you scroll down right here, it's not just going on here. In March, US Copyright Office said, " Content mostly created by AI cannot be protected by copyright, but will be reviewing applications on a case to case basis." So that's why this is interesting. Because essentially it's not copyright. I think what we talked about last week, the Drake song and everything else, I think corporations are very nervous. And BBDO doesn't want one of their clients to get a trademark type lawsuit because of AI. And so that's essentially where this is going. And it's like Italy, they aren't allowed to do any. And if you scroll down a little bit more, which is crazy. Let me go up a little bit. Sorry. " Make it unclear who is responsible." Go up, I'll just read the take. Right? " BBDO's copyright concerns are nothing new in the ad world as interest in AI continues to grow. In March, US Copyright Office said, 'Content mostly created by AI cannot be protected by copyright, but will be reviewing applications on a case case basis.'" Now here's why. " Generative AI can make it unclear who is responsible for the intellectual conception. And bots creating content from existing copyrighted material makes for a murky ownership debate." In other words, if you just ask ChatGPT to do something for you, it oftentimes does the wrong thing still. And it could do so illegally essentially through plagiarism in a sense.

Brady: Yeah. It's murky waters right now. They don't want to swim. Make sense to me.

Speaker 1: Yeah, and they're saying, " And restrictions may put agencies at a deficit." So in other words, BBDO if they aren't allowed to bring AI type solutions to their customers, their customers are going to go somewhere else. It's a little crazy. I think it's pretty risk averse of BBDO, but I can see why there's concerns there.

Brady: Yeah. I mean, a human can make the same mistake, but at least they can pin that individual who created the ad stripping it off of Google Images when someone else owns it.

Speaker 1: And there's accountability it.

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Who are you going to hold accountable, ChatGPT? Good luck.

Brady: Yeah, OpenAI.

Speaker 1: You're going to go knock on Sam Altman's door and be like, " Sam, you wrote this article." He's like, " I didn't write Yeah, that article." That's what I'm saying. It's such a gray area that the big, big players. You know what it's like when we serve these big accounts. We can't touch ads without legal approving the copy. I mean, we can't do anything for these customers. They're very profitable accounts because you're not allowed to use your hours to do anything. I don't know, it's a hot topic to me. From a marketing perspective, what do you think generative AI is going to replace for us? What do you think it'll start generating for Directive in the next six months? I would say content briefs is one.

Brady: Yeah, content briefs. Some forms of consolidated research. I think it does well instead of clicking through 10 links on Google and trying to summarize it. It does that pretty well. I mean the image stuff is cool.

Speaker 1: Yeah, we talked about that. Yeah.

Brady: It already exists where you can even feed it your own information and then it'll spit out different variations of a similar design-

Speaker 1: Of you?

Brady: ...and formats. I mean you could submit yourself.

Speaker 1: That'd be interesting.

Brady: And do that.

Speaker 1: Modern day characters.

Brady: Yeah. Yeah. I think the copywriting, it's worth testing.

Speaker 1: Writing the copy, not copywritten things?

Brady: Yes, right. Yeah. Writing the copy. But yeah, this is such an interesting angle that the technology's just ahead of the system and the laws.

Speaker 1: Well, I think all the social stuff's, like we searched a LinkedIn on Directive, real quick? LinkedIn Directive.

Brady: I recently saw, I don't know if it was Sting, the musician, but P Diddy owes him$ 2,000 a day because he did a sample of his song and didn't get authorization of it.

Speaker 1: That one. Yeah. I don't know who the other people. Go to that one. Yeah. That's crazy.

Brady: Just to their point, there's a lot of money in messing up.

Speaker 1: Oh, yeah. And if you scroll down, what I thought was interesting here, just keep going down. Was if you look at some of our corporate posts, not the temp post, just do go to posts. Right here. " Bringing the right people on board is crucial to our success and new hires welcomed in April or testament to that." I kind of feel like AI could write the copy on some of the LinkedIn posts.

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: You know what I mean? You could just scrape the images and then be like, " Write a welcome post on LinkedIn for us."

Brady: Yeah. I mean we did on a few episodes ago. We did an outbound email.

Speaker 1: Dude, it can write anything, outbound email, sales development, follow up, marketing automation. But to all those points, what if you don't own the work you just created and someone sues you for it?

Brady: Yeah, that's the-

Speaker 1: That's wild though.

Brady: ...gray area.

Speaker 1: That is such a gray area. And I could see why a big holding co like BBDO is like, " We're not messing with that."

Brady: Yeah. Like I said, there's so much money in messing up there. To where the humans mess up too, but they probably have the systems in place for that.

Speaker 1: To mitigate human risk. We don't know how to mitigate AI risk yet.

Brady: Yeah. And it's done at such a detailed level. If someone just uses AI to create 500 display ads, if one image is taken from-

Speaker 1: The wrong copy and they say a curse word or something like that and they miss it because AI built it all.

Brady: Yeah, but even Getty Images and the AI found it through someone who already bought the license for them to use it, but not the license for someone else to use it.

Speaker 1: Well this is the risk. This is every in- house council's nightmare in the agency world. Somehow the AI goes racist. Some agency tries this new thing where we are going to do AI optimized social. They get the Wendy's account. And they hook their API up to the Wendy's account and they're like, " For this week and this week only, all of Wendy's posting is going to be from AI." They do this classic agency publicity stunt type thing. And it starts off good, right? Monday's pretty funny. Every, " Oh, that's pretty good." Tuesday pretty funny. Wednesday. Thursday AI somehow gets racist and it just keeps posting racist things and no one can stop it. That's like the big fear everybody is terrified of when they say generative AI. It's not just that it could copyright it. It's that it could copyright something and then if you don't have to write checks and balances, because people don't know how to control it or stop it or understand it well enough. For them, that's like their risk is like-

Brady: I mean that stuff, I don't know if any big brand, but it's happened where people caught on that the AI was learning from what the public was saying and doing. So the community came together and started training the AI just really dark stuff. And then it started thinking like, " Oh, this is what people are liking." And it started producing that type of content.

Speaker 1: Which is completely how things are going to be for a while. It's such a new technology, it's going to be manipulated and abused. I know I'm going to focus on being an early adopter of AI, but I could see how big organizations like BBDO are going to focus on being late adopters and this is not worth it to them. You know what I mean?

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: That's my insights there. Oh, so a woman tweeted this. If you go up. I forget her name right now, Sherene. But this is still my favorite meme of all time in advertising. Will you click on the image? So essentially they take the one which they call the Virgin Complicated Media Buying, and it's like, " Uses a consistent naming scheme. I think this ICA+ ATC look alike might outperform the 95% W." Do you know what that is?

Brady: I don't know if those are two V's or a W.

Speaker 1: We're both married so we got at least part of this figured out. But, " Tries to target better than Facebook. Segments in ad sets by demographic and labels them. Needs to use engagement gimmicks to win placement auctions. Still loses auctions for best placements. Keeps testing the same or stuff creatives and then fights for 1. 79 Roas." Do you even know? I'm not a Facebook e- com guy? Do you even know what the 1-2% to 75% W is? What is that Brady? You're my nerd.

Brady: Yeah. 1- 2%, 75% either W or VV, 2-3%, 75% VV.

Speaker 1: That post his own thing right there. Then I like the chat though, right? The Chat. US, Canada, Australia, UK, 30 + nothing else. Default name conversions. Default name conversions copy two.

Brady: No naming scheme.

Speaker 1: Literally no naming scheme. " His creative's intimidating peer creatives out of place." It's so true though. " Just runs big bold ads, does no targeting himself. Let's Facebook do it for him. Only tracks the one thing that matters, conversions. Doesn't even know what'll look alike audience is. Forgets about active campaigns for month. Still profitable."

Brady: They should have put a Bud Light on this desk.

Speaker 1: Oh, yeah. Oh my gosh though. Isn't that so true about advertising today? I can't tell you how many nerds we have at Directive that still don't know what they're doing when it comes to marketing.

Brady: Yeah, well it is just a weird time where it's like the platforms are evolving to where they want you to be a Chad. Like the platforms are built for Chad's.

Speaker 1: Being Chad has always been the best though. I feel like that's a lie. I feel like the point of Chad isn't that Chad's lazy or anything like that. The point of Chad is Chad just wants to tell people about his product and focuses on making his product really cool, marketing. The problem with the person on the top is they don't do any marketing. Now, if you could have Chad and the person on the top, they'll beep either of these people.

Brady: Yes.

Speaker 1: So that is not my point. My point is, if you have to pick one, too many people, including people who frankly work at Directive, think that their value comes through their technical expertise of managing the ad platform and the channel itself. And it sure as heck does not.

Brady: Yeah. The two notes on creative, it should be bolded because those are the big differences.

Speaker 1: That's the big difference.

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: One person focuses on articulating the value of their product. The other person focuses on optimizing the delivery of their ads. One person's optimizing the advertising itself, like how the ad delivers. That's all it is. Advertising delivery is what they're optimizing.

Brady: Yeah. It's everything the market doesn't see is what I often say.

Speaker 1: All the value the customer, the prospect, frankly doesn't appreciate, recognize or want.

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: The value is in what Chad's doing, which is driving conversions by making your product stand out in a noisy environment. Now, if you can do that and then optimize your ad delivery, that's great, but you got to start with Chad and then become Brad. But if you start as Brad and then try to become Chad, you don't ever make it, in my opinion. How often does it work optimizing the ad delivery of a bad product?

Brady: Never works.

Speaker 1: Never works. Yet I constantly see our team and other advertisers and professionals in the industry, and I went through this phase myself where you're just so focused on hitting like a click through rate number, or cost per conversion number. Or top spot on the ad serves, or certain impression share that you never stopped to ask, " If I was on social, if I was going to the bathroom, pulled my phone out and was scrolling, would I stop and buy this product?" Because that's the real question. Like today, we saw the TikTok kids with their very cool baseball bat. Do you think they know what IC ATC look alike outperform 95%. No, they probably don't. They're too busy getting 14 million views taping up a cricket bat.

Brady: Yeah. With a car driving away.

Speaker 1: With a car driving away. That's what Chad would be doing. Chad makes you want his product, care about his product. Chad believes in his own product. Chad thinks all I got to do is tell the right people about my product and they'll buy it. Chad's right. Make your product intrinsically sellable, marketable, desirable, and then tell people who you think would buy it about it. That's how you do advertising.

Brady: Yeah, or at least your initial offer. It doesn't even have to be the product. I think that's been my sweet spot in my career is-

Speaker 1: Next thing you need them to do.

Brady: When I can't touch the product, being in an agency for a long time, I usually don't have my hands on products.

Speaker 1: Correct.

Brady: But you can change your offer, right? Marketing is still in control, especially dealing with a sales cycle.

Speaker 1: What's the call to action?

Brady: Yeah, what's the call to action? What's the initial offer? There's so much freedom in that. Versus we still see in our space the offer is-

Speaker 1: That's a demo.

Brady: ...a demo with no context.

Speaker 1: Yeah. That's why in T2, our next trimester, we're focusing on rolling out product demo videos to all our customers. You could essentially watch a demo video. You still get the form. Instead of request a demo, it's watch demo video, and you fill the forum. You can watch it and then schedule your appointment for the demo all yourself. You can watch the whole demo yourself and schedule your appointment, talk to sales. Now you show up to the sales call with five, six notes after watching the video, questions predefined. And you accelerate the sales process. You increase the close rate and you monetize your marketing. Everything works better when you're Chad.

Brady: Yeah, I agree.

Speaker 1: Chad just does marketing. Brad up there, he is just being a nerd and you can't optimize a bad product. You can't optimize a bad offer. You have to fix one. But nobody up there ever is fixing things and having a real transparent understanding. It's just like, let me see what I can manipulate in the platform.

Brady: And the platforms are now making it easier to be a Chad.

Speaker 1: Yeah, they want you to be Chad.

Brady: Back in the day you had to be both. Way back in manual bidding only Google ads type structures, you had to be bold, but now you just need to have a product.

Speaker 1: You just need a product that people want, some social proof, a creative way of articulating it, a brand narrative, social. You need more now than you did then ironically. I feel like back then you didn't have to be intrinsically viral or like.

Brady: Yeah, it was like if you show up at the right time to the right person, not a lot of people are doing that therefore you'll get the sale. But now-

Speaker 1: There's so much noise.

Brady: Everyone's doing that.

Speaker 1: Yeah. There's 10 competitors in every category and all 10 are good and they all say the same thing. The question isn't how do you optimize Google ads? It's how do you position yourself as different? How do you differentiate yourself from the competition? And then how do you tell your story? And then just distribute it. That's the easiest part. You know what I mean?

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: It's a wild, wild, wild world we live in, but we need more Chads and less Brads. What do you think?

Brady: I agree. I don't know about the names though. Chad and Brad are replaceable.

Speaker 1: Because you're brainy?

Brady: No.

Speaker 1: Okay.

Brady: It's just in the whole meme world like if Brad is a Chad.

Speaker 1: I feel like a Chad is a Kyle. The only difference between Chad and Kyle is Kyle punches holes in the walls.

Brady: I don't know. I just know Chad's are Brads.

Speaker 1: You think Chad's are Brad's?

Brady: Yeah.

Speaker 1: I feel like Chad's or Kyle's.

Brady: I think maybe Chad's are Brads and Brads are Kyles.

Speaker 1: Whoa, I don't know about that. Oh, any final thoughts on this one?

Brady: I don't want to throw out a name for the top one because I don't want to offend anyone. Trying to think of a name I don't know.

Speaker 1: Clevis.

Brady: Sure.

Speaker 1: There you go.

Brady: I was going with Henry, but I'm trying to think, do I know any Henry's?

Speaker 1: You might know a Hank.

Brady: Yeah, Hank, I just think of that show, Hank Hill.

Speaker 1: Who's Hank Hill?

Peter: King of the Hill.

Brady: King of the Hill.

Speaker 1: Man. This podcast is going off the rails here at the end.

Brady: No, I love this. This is the epitome of my day- to- day.

Speaker 1: Oh yeah, it is. This is literally all in it.

Brady: Are these two different. I'm in the middle I'd say.

Speaker 1: You kind of are in the middle, which is a good thing. I think you need a bit of both to our point earlier, but I'd definitely be Chad instead of Brad over here. How do you get from being a Brad to becoming a Chad? Any tips for someone?

Brady: What I've noticed just working with a lot of in- house teams is you have to get out of your bubble. Which being at the agency, that's our strength especially right off the bat is we're not in their bubble so we can be very transparent and direct with what we see and how we compare.

Speaker 1: Yeah. We see 10,000 accounts and you see one.

Brady: Yeah. But I think the person at the top's blind, because to your point earlier, they're looking at all these metrics that their end consumer doesn't see. It starts at the product and then it goes directly into how you're marketing the product. And that should be where all the work is being done.

Speaker 1: You got to be a customer focused advertiser, not a platform focused advertiser.

Brady: Market research could help get out of the platform, get out of the spreadsheets, ask the market what they think.

Speaker 1: I would say inaudible. Search the query you're advertising on. See what the other people have for their offers. See what their call to actions are. See, if you were to click on three tabs right now, would you actually buy your product? That's the easiest way for me to do it. I call it it the three tab test.

Brady: And get offended. Be open to it. Because you're never going to win that test right off the bat and people just don't want to hear that. You got to be open to hearing, " I would not choose you. I would not choose you. I would not choose you." But if you optimize towards them saying, " I would choose you," now you're ready to-

Speaker 1: Now you're ready to advertise, ironically.

Brady: Yeah. Whether it's hyper- technical like the top, or just using in platform technology.

Speaker 1: Let it rip.

Brady: Both would work.

Speaker 1: Both work great.

Brady: If the product's right, and the marketing.

Speaker 1: Yeah. And that's what I think is just live in the SERP. If you're advertising somewhere, be at somewhere you're advertising. If you're advertising on a keyword, search that keyword. Look at all the ads. See if you'd choose you. If you want to write for an article, you're writing for SEO, read all the articles ranking for that keyword and ask of yours is actually better than theirs. And when you start getting really authentic, raw and put yourself in your consumer's shoes, you become everything Chad has dreamed of. And you get really, really good at marketing because you just understand how to talk about your product, how to position it, how to differentiate it, why people want it, what features to focus on. All the stuff we know we need to do that we don't is what makes Chad beat the virgin complicated media buying buyer who just over complicates things by trying to find the value in platform optimizations instead of the value of the actual product and its positioning in the marketplace. Pretty huge.

Brady: Now I just need to figure out what this W means after the podcast.

Speaker 1: I know, I think it's two Vs. I do. I think it's two Vs.

Brady: Well-

Speaker 1: I looked it up once because I wanted to know when I saw this meme like three years ago, but I don't remember.

Brady: I mean it represents like a W attribution model but I don't think that's what they're talking about?

Speaker 1: Maybe views?

Brady: Meaning in ads. Okay, let me see. Oh, viewable CPM.

Speaker 1: Oh yeah, man.

Brady: So cost per a thousand viewable impressions.

Speaker 1: For three seconds.

Brady: Which is terrifying that they were charging you for impressions that weren't even viewed.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I know, right?

Brady: It was loaded in the script on the page.

Speaker 1: Yeah. And it just fires and you're screwed. Oh my gosh. Well, hey, this has been a great show. Thanks for joining us, being a part of the community. As always, like, subscribe.

Brady: Comment.

Speaker 1: Five stars and-

Brady: See you next week.

Speaker 1: See you next week.


On this episode, hosts Garrett Mehrguth and Brady Cramm talk about BBDO's warning against AI and the concept of the "Chad" marketer.