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Episode 25  |  57:06 min

Researching China's expeditionary capabilities with Chad Peltier

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Episode 25  |  57:06 min  |  11.04.2020

Researching China's expeditionary capabilities with Chad Peltier

This is a podcast episode titled, Researching China's expeditionary capabilities with Chad Peltier. The summary for this episode is: <p>In episode 25 of The World of Intelligence, Terry Pattar, head of the Janes Intelligence Unit is joined by Chad Peltier, Data and Integration Analyst at Janes to discuss recent research into China's expeditionary capabilities.</p>
Takeaway 1 | 01:45 MIN
The Economic and Security Review Commission's request for proposal
Takeaway 2 | 01:36 MIN
What information on Chinese expeditionary capabilities was was available in the open source?
Takeaway 3 | 00:47 MIN
Understanding radio frequency emmissions and Chinese troop movements
Takeaway 4 | 00:25 MIN
Using OSINT for tracking civilian Chinese ships