Speaker 1: How's it going everybody? I just wanted to jump in here real quick and talk about something that I've been leading here over at Trava and something that the team at Trava really believes in, and that is empowering our agency partners and how the industry should be empowering our agency partners to better underwrite cyber insurance. I believe the agencies have been somewhat neglected in this case. If you look at other lines of insurance agencies, have tools and services to help properly underwrite these lines of insurance. And we all know how difficult it is to properly underwrite cyber insurance, right? It's a long application. It's PDFs being sent back and forth from you to their IT staff, back to the client's CFO, who's going to send it back to you. You send it to the underwriter. The underwriter needs another supplemental app filled out. We all know this game and it's such a pain. And so I really think that if we empowered agencies, we could eliminate that PDF application being sent out altogether, right? So we're eliminating that for the client. So we're going to bring more value to our client there. And on top of that, it's going to save us time. It's going to save the carrier MGA time because your submissions will be more formal and have the best data possible. And additionally, if we empower these agencies to gather this data, what more data could we get that can make underwriting better? We all know that the loss ratios out there are pretty significant, so how can we bring those down? And so as you can see, there's the way that Trava is aligning itself with agencies is helping out not only the client, so it's making a better client experience and possibly increasing coverage, decreasing pricing, increasing insurability. It's going to help the agency save time and possibly procure better information for their underwriting reports they're going to send out to carriers. And then on top of that, what we're going to see here is carriers being able to access better data. And we all know that carriers need better data to properly risk select the people that they're insuring. So I put together just a simple little graph here. Please, I am not a designer in any regard, but it gives you an idea of why, where Trava is aligning itself is a big deal and how I believe that this can bring a lot more info to carriers, can help customers and agents outright. So if we look on the left, what's going on here is, yes, the carriers are using scanning solutions, but these scanning solutions are very high level. You're only entering a domain in IP address, and that is not going to get the security information that we need to properly underwrite. We need to have a better understanding of their cloud structure and what the vulnerabilities are that exists there. We also need to have an understanding of inaudible MFA, but to what extent? inaudible EDR, but to what extent? And so the carrier will never be able to get this information if it's coming from the carrier level. I think we all can understand the hesitation from the client. If a carrier were to say, " Hey, open up your whole cloud infrastructure to us and let us dig around and find what vulnerabilities we don't like," it's not going to work. And so what we need to do and what Trava is doing is we need to be empowering our agents to better retrieve this information. And so what you'll see here in this very rudimentary graph I created was that I'm showing how Trava is aligned to agents. And if the agent creates the customer profile and creates that IT login, what will happen? Well, we can retrieve that cloud data, we can retrieve that MFA data. We can retrieve that EDR data. And what will we do from there? Well, what Trava has done is we're identifying with carriers, Hey, what data would you like to see? And so we are empowering the agent to do what they've always done. The agent has always retrieved the information that the carriers need in order to properly underwrite, tie it in a nice bow and ship it off to the carrier. And so here at Trava, we are firm believers in empowering agencies to do that. We believe this is in the best interest of all parties. We believe this is in the best interest of carriers to get the proper data that they need. We believe it's in the best interest of the agents to bring better value to their clients and stop creating such a hassle around the application process. And we believe that this is such a great benefit to the client because let's face it, yes, this is going to be a little bit more invasive material, but the agent is the one that is siphoning this material over to the carrier and in the end, this is going to increase insurability, possibly decreased pricing and improve coverage. And at the end of the day, isn't that what we're trying to do here? Lastly, this is key for us to push our customers into wanting to be more secure. We know that insurance is a very, very powerful driver to making people and companies move to improve their cybersecurity. We see it in other coverages. We see it all over the map. And so we need to be cognizant of that and say, okay, if insurance is that very powerful lever, how do we push that lever to improve our client cybersecurity? And this is not only going to benefit them, but this is going to benefit everybody at the end of the day. As a world, we all need to become more cyber secure. And I believe that insurance is the perfect channel to initiate that. Thanks guys. I hope you guys have a good weekend and I will be seeing you around. Thank you.