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Lindsay Boccardo

This is a podcast episode titled, Lindsay Boccardo. The summary for this episode is: <p>The tension we feel between generations is much deeper than Millennials versus Gen Z or Gen X versus Boomers. The difference between us actually boils down to developmental psychology.</p><p>Speaker, trainer, and coach <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Lindsay Boccardo</a> joins the show to shed light on the causes of generational divides and shares how we can navigate them well as individuals and organizations. She explains the influence of developmental stages on what matters most to people, the importance of investing in leaders' emotional intelligence, and how internal leadership programs can prepare companies for future success.</p><p>You can find more information about this podcast at <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Thanks for listening!</p>
Lindsay sheds light on one cause of generational divides.
00:53 MIN
Lindsay emphasizes the influence of developmental psychology on what matters most to people.
00:21 MIN
Lindsay points out three major issues companies are facing.
00:30 MIN
Lindsay reminds us to take a closer look before jumping to conclusions.
00:36 MIN
Lindsay shares why organizations need to invest in developing their leaders' emotional intelligence, especially in a remote or hybrid work world.
00:49 MIN
Lindsay shares how an internal leadership program can serve as a retention tool in addition to a development tool.
00:25 MIN

Today's Host

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Zac Darnell

|Host of Behind The Product & Principal at SEP

Today's Guest

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Lindsay Boccardo

|Founder, Linsday Boccardo Training and Coaching