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Women's History Month - Mallory Elias-Cvengros, FastSpring

This is a podcast episode titled, Women's History Month - Mallory Elias-Cvengros, FastSpring. The summary for this episode is: <p>Join ConverSight and the Data Insights podcast as we celebrate Women's History Month with stories and experiences from women in tech and across industries.</p><p><br></p><p>Mallory possesses extensive, cross-industry experience with data analytics, predictive modeling and customer experience in organizations large and small. As a CX Analyst, Mallory supports customer-centric culture through data; using her degree in analytics combined with my background in market research, Mallory analyzes and interprets customer and organizational data to derive insights and identify customer pain points. </p><p><br></p><p>Mallory excels at translating this data into meaningful and actionable results.</p>

Today's Hosts

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Ganesh Gandhieswaran

|Co-Founder, CEO
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Serena Riley

|Head of Customer Experience

Today's Guests

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Mallory Elias-Cvengros

|Customer Experience Analyst, FastSpring