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Using Planful's Predictive AI/ML To Enhance Team Performance | Amrita Johal, Bikramaditya Singhal

This is a podcast episode titled, Using Planful's Predictive AI/ML To Enhance Team Performance | Amrita Johal, Bikramaditya Singhal. The summary for this episode is: <p>Many technology companies wave around the artificial intelligence (AI) banner, but only some have substantive solutions to back up their boasts. In this session, Planful's Bikram Singhal, Director of AI, and Amrita Johal, Solutions Consultant and CPA, will explain how AI works in layperson's terms, how Planful approaches AI and machine learning (ML), and where Planful's AI/ML capabilities differ from others on the market. The team will also demonstrate how Planful Predict's AI/ML compares budgets to actuals faster and more accurately than humans can operate.</p>
Embracing the AI Era in Planning: Signals and Projections
01:23 MIN
The AI Era: Transforming Planning with Signals and Projections
01:22 MIN
Decoding the AI and Machine Learning Pipeline Behind Predict
04:04 MIN
Demystifying the AI Pipeline Behind Predict's Planning System
04:04 MIN
Bridging AI with Financial Planning: A User-Centric Approach
04:40 MIN
Unveiling the Unique Selling Points of Predict
02:47 MIN
Revolutionizing Financial Planning with AI: A User-Centric Approach
01:51 MIN
Enhancing Financial Planning with AI-driven Forecasting
03:40 MIN
Enhancing Dynamic Reporting with Signal Sensitivity
01:52 MIN
Optimizing Data Analysis with Custom Signal Sensitivity
01:52 MIN
Overcoming AI Planning Challenges with Limited Data
00:58 MIN
Overcoming AI Model Training Challenges with Planful
00:57 MIN

Today's Guest

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Bikramaditya Singhal

|Director of AI, Planful
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Amrita Johal

|Solution Consultant, Planful