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Automate Marketing’s Month-end for Faster Financial Cycles | Jonathan Mark

This is a podcast episode titled, Automate Marketing’s Month-end for Faster Financial Cycles | Jonathan Mark. The summary for this episode is: <p>Marketing teams waste a day or more managing and matching expenses with Finance during month-end close. But when both teams use Planful to automate the process, determining marketing spend, running amortizations, and getting real-time insights becomes a breeze. Join Planful’s marketing product expert and learn how to add miles more visibility for Marketing and Finance. With these helpful tips, you can save over 10 hours per month!</p>
Automated Processes Streamline Month-End Close for Marketing Teams
05:57 MIN
Centralized Data Enhances Accuracy and Lets You Derive Actionable Insights
01:36 MIN
Plug and Play Integrations with Key Platforms Provides Comprehensive Ad Spend Visibility
01:02 MIN
Automated Accruals Align Financial Reporting with Actual Budget Usage
01:18 MIN

Today's Guest

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Jonathan Mark

|Solution Architect, Planful