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Growth Through Acquisition, All on One Platform | Mark Smith

This is a podcast episode titled, Growth Through Acquisition, All on One Platform | Mark Smith. The summary for this episode is: <p>Analysts expect M&amp;A activity to increase rapidly in 2024. For us, it’s never slowed. Join this session to hear about our experiences across over three dozen acquisitions, with 40,000 transaction lines and nearly 10 ERP systems, and how Planful brings it all together. I’ll share how we’ve used automation to simplify our acquisition process, how we integrate Planful into newly acquired entities, and why we rely on Planful for consolidations, workforce planning, and more.</p>
Streamlined Acquisition Integration Enhances Efficiency
04:49 MIN
Automating Data Processes Reduces Manual Effort and Errors
04:29 MIN
Comprehensive Workforce Planning for Accurate Budgeting Across the Globe
03:03 MIN

Today's Guest

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Mark Smith

|Director, Corporate FP&A, Protective Industrial Products (PIP)