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AI/ML for Better Forecast Accuracy: How Aurorium Uses Planful Predict | Robert Franz

This is a podcast episode titled, AI/ML for Better Forecast Accuracy: How Aurorium Uses Planful Predict | Robert Franz. The summary for this episode is: <p>We all know that modernizing financial processes with Planful delivers a plethora of benefits. But have you taken the next step to bring artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) into your planning and forecasting efforts? Learn how we’re using Planful Predict to spot anomalies at the consolidated and detailed levels and then investigate potential errors. I’ll also cover how Predict helps us anticipate customer orders, better plan production volumes, and run more cost-effective operations across our 50-plus global entities.</p>
Navigating the Real-World Application of AI in Budgeting
03:46 MIN
Understanding Signals for Precise Future Planning
02:08 MIN
Transforming Budget Meetings with AI
02:06 MIN
Leveraging AI in Budget Planning: A Strategic Approach
02:12 MIN
Optimize Planning by Leveraging Past Run Rates and Making Incremental Adjustments
02:12 MIN
Navigating and Resolving Signals in a Demo Environment
04:00 MIN
Improving Forecast Accuracy with Predict
01:49 MIN

Today's Guest

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Robert Franz

|Senior Reporting & Systems Analyst, Arorium