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Episode 159  |  36:19 min  |  11.08.2021

Going for VITO's Big Noes

This is a podcast episode titled, Going for VITO's Big Noes. The summary for this episode is: <p>No! This two-letter word sends shivers down every sales rep's spine. That's why courage is one of the most critical qualities when it comes to selling.</p><p>In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl welcomes Andrea Waltz, rockstar Speaker, Virtual Trainer and Author, to discuss why it's essential to get out of your comfort zone and overcome the fear of rejection in sales. They will talk about why keeping VITO in the loop is a must, why getting a no from them is a good thing for your prospecting efforts, and just how many pushbacks are too many.</p><p><a href="https://info.vanillasoft.com/subscribe-to-the-inside-inside-sales-podcast" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Subscribe now and learn why you should stop projecting your own biases, grit your teeth, and copy VITO.</a></p>
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Andrea Waltz

|Co-Founder of Courage Crafters